- SSH into your mv-1000 → ssh root@ipadressofyourMV1000 → Password is the same as you use to login through your browser
- download the latest version (Linux ARM, 64 bit) → wget https://static.adguard.com/adguardhome/release/AdGuardHome_linux_arm64.tar.gz
- unpack → tar x -zf AdGuardHome_linux_arm64.tar.gz
- stop the AdGuardHome service → AdGuardHome -s stop
- backup the existing app (optional, you can overwrite or delete) → mv /usr/bin/AdGuardHome /usr/bin/AdGuardHome.old
- copy the latest version → cp AdGuardHome /usr/bin
- just in case → cd /usr/bin
- start the AdGuardHome service → AdGuardHome -s start
- You can ensure the service is running by typing → AdGuardHome -s status
Hope this works out for you!