AdGuardHome on GL routers

I have contacted them, and I will update the firmware next week to solve this problem.

Works well on AR300m. Any MT300N version?

Can we get a version of this for the X750 please?


X750 is not powerful enough to run adguard.

It seems with this solution, we cannot create per-client behavior, which is a must for me. e.g. client uses adguard DNS filters, but skips adguard DNS filters, and uses upstream DNS. Is this something that can be fixed in the future?

I am thinking about to ā€œupgradeā€ from GL-B1300 to GL-S1300 because of larger memory.
Can anybody recommend this step ? Will newer AdGuardHome work on S1300 in the future ?

GL-B2200 isnā€™t an option, because of only one LAN Ethernet portā€¦

Tested AGH on my AR750S but went back to firmware 3.104. Big issues with DNS leaking, even with OpenVPN or Wireguard running, I saw my ISP was always at in DNS results. I was unable to login to ZeroTier due to my countryā€™s IP being blocked by the US restriction. Even using Cloudflare unable to log into US restricted web pages.
And I have made no changes at all.

AdGuardHome on GL-MT300N-V2 The API is unavailable!
Can it really work on GL-MT300N-V2?

It doesnā€™t work on 300n-v2, 300n-v2 doesnā€™t have enough flash.
Where did you download the firmware?

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openwrt-mt300n-v2-VPN-Bridge.bin 12289KLast modified: Thu Sep 24 2020 10:00:57 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time)

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@luochongjun Where you able to update the firmware to fix the Adguard version and upgrade issue from before? Could you push a S1300 update if so? Thanks :heart_eyes:

Is the final release for the AR750S nearly finished?

Thank you.


pls add adguard to an offical firmware of ar-750s <3 thank you very much

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With AR750S I can see thereā€™s dual flash but on Creta (AR750) it says DDR2 128MB / FLASH 16MB is this different?

Wondering with the 128mb DDR2 it has enough space also?

128MB RAM is difficult for adguard to run.

Anyone have a copy of the Convexa-S build? They removed all builds from their servers and I donā€™t have a local copy. I would really appreciate if someone can share a link.

hi guys, i have the brume mv-1000, and when go into the adguard home settings, i have an update v0.104.1 available. if i click on update now, i got an error, auto update failed.
someone can help me please ?

@luochongjun this is the same issue as on S1300, and update on what Adguard said about the fix?

brume mv-1000
firmware: 3.104
AdGuardHome: 0.104.1

AdGuard Home is working; however, if I define a Client, it does not seem to work. For example, I have ā€œUse AdGuard Parental Control Web Serviceā€ enabled in the General Settings. I have a Client defined for my device using IPv4 address (also tried IPv6) with ā€œUse Global Settingsā€ disabled and ā€œUse AdGuard Parental Control Web Serviceā€ disabled. From this device, I am still blocked to all web sites categorized as ā€œadultā€. Is there something Iā€™m missing?

(edit) Some additional info: I am using a Linksys1900AC (access points) in bridge mode forwarding to my MV-1000. The MV-1000 is my DHCP server, gateway, and connected to my cable modem. All requests through AdGuardHome show as localhost ( instead of each individual client.

  • SSH into your mv-1000 ā†’ ssh root@ipadressofyourMV1000 ā†’ Password is the same as you use to login through your browser
  • download the latest version (Linux ARM, 64 bit) ā†’ wget
  • unpack ā†’ tar x -zf AdGuardHome_linux_arm64.tar.gz
  • stop the AdGuardHome service ā†’ AdGuardHome -s stop
  • backup the existing app (optional, you can overwrite or delete) ā†’ mv /usr/bin/AdGuardHome /usr/bin/AdGuardHome.old
  • copy the latest version ā†’ cp AdGuardHome /usr/bin
  • just in case ā†’ cd /usr/bin
  • start the AdGuardHome service ā†’ AdGuardHome -s start
  • You can ensure the service is running by typing ā†’ AdGuardHome -s status

Hope this works out for you!