AdGuardHome on GL routers

I successfully disabled DNS functionality in dnsmasq and enabled AdGuardHome as DNS server.

Stop dnsmasq and AdGuardHome:

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop
/etc/init.d/AdGuardHome stop

In /etc/config/dhcp, replace the following lines:

option noresolv ‘1’
list server ‘’


option localuse ‘0’
option port ‘0’

In /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml, replace:

port: 3053


port: 53

Start dnsmasq and AdGuardHome:

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq start
/etc/init.d/AdGuardHome start

Back up the 2 files before starting changes and restore the 2 backup files to reverse changes.

EDIT: Configure DHCP server to give DNS as the router’s IP address via LuCI → Network → Interfaces → LAN → Edit → DHCP Server → Advanced Settings → DHCP-Options. Enter the following and click Save, then click Save & Apply:


If you have changed the router’s IP address from the default 192.168.8, then enter the new IP address preceded by “6,”

EDIT: Here is the OpenWRT reference:

I do not work for and I do not have formal association with GL.iNet