AdGuardHome on GL routers

Has anyone tried the following blocklist:

It’s one of the most comprehensive available. I’m wondering if the ar750s can handle such a large list.

If not, what is the limit?

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I tested the blocklist on the MV1000 and AR750S, and it worked fine.
This list takes up 7.7MB of flash space, so only 32MB of flash devices are not available.6


Thanks luochongjun!

Do you think that there is enough RAM though after extended use of large lists?.. I remember that pi-hole would choke out raspberry pi models with smaller RAM (256gb - 512MB) if the list was large enough.

BTW ‘adblock style’ lists (such as this one - which incidentaly is also available in hosts file format) can apparently be more concise, taking up less space for the more blocking.

If anyone has smaller devices and are struggling to run lists then they maybe should stick to the ‘adblock style’ lists.

I’m so happy with this 3.104 version I think I will be sticking to it permanently - I hope that adguard makes it to the next full release!

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Thanks luochongjun!
Best thing ever this 3.104 rel

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Adguard on GL-B1300 Firmware 3.104 doesn’t work anymore. Why do you provide changes without testing ?

Error is: API Missing
I think you have forgotten to add the API-Interface for Adguard in you Firmware ! Unacceptable !

Remember that by using the Snapshot firmware you are accepting that there will be bugs now and then. If you don’t want that, use the Release firmware and wait for new features to be ready.

My mistake,I have updated the B1300 firmware again and the link is the same as before.


Any chance to get this on an GL-E750?

Sure, I’ll add it later.

okay here’s a question about adguard home and dns. lets say you setup a wiregurd server at home with adguardhome on it . does your settings in dns to route all dns through router work with your phone when using wireguard with adguardhome?
assuming the phone is prolly doing ipv6 dns and not ipv4 and not doing dns-over-http of some sort internally with the phone.

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yes. on your WG client side set dns as your router IP.

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Thank you very much.
For 32M flash devices, you should keep the filter list and protocol of AdGuard in ram. After 24 hours, the flash memory is full and the router freezes after entering the admin panel. This happens with only 2 active filter lists and 50k of blocking rules.

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E750 is available now.


According to your suggestion, I have updated the firmware of B1300. Please download it through the previous link. :grinning:

Push the S1300 version as well please :grinning: :hugs:

I have updated version 3.104 of S1300 before, which is still the original link.
Are there any other issues that need to be updated?

Since you made those changes 8 hours ago, i don’t think the S1300 from a few weeks ago has those fixes right? :slight_smile:

on a stupider note. if you wanted to be double redundant you can set your upstream server to point to nexdns with

insterting your nexdns id for ******

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The S1300 has 512MB of flash,so taht’s not an issue for it.

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