Especially “random” MAC will solve this issue. The device name itself is totally useless, you can even set it to “washing machine” - the MAC is the important thing.
This fixed my problem. Partly. I was able to bypass automatic check.
Unfortunately my company bans everything that named other then "phone" or "pc" by hands (manually). I made my laptop not to transmit it's name (Linux powered) and it is NOT banned. So I wanna hide my router name from upper router
Enable camouflage .. it will change the router name to the clients name for DHCP and it will set the MAC address with the same 6-hex-digits (vendor) as your client device, it's not a full MAC clone the other 6 digits are different.
But on Mudi v2 (my other router) no such setting, maybe @bruce or @alzhao will help?
It seems to be different in routers. On my Spitz v2 and Puli routers there is no such feature. 4.3.19 is latest available. Yeah, I have four different GL routers. Love them!