Hello Thunk, sorry we didn’t give more details, follow this link to a different thread AR750s Keeps disconnecting - #32 by wellnw
Travelmate is a package made for open Wrt firmware, it has a set of instructions and config to help you use a router as a travel router, it will easily connect to a wifi and repeat it, it is stable and it has a special script to connect easily to captive portals on hotels wifis. Well basically travelmate should be something implemented into our small router the Slate. In fact it is, they call the script, gh health, but looks like this one isn’t working well for some of us, so we are using the wonderful capabilities of this router to load different scripts. You are not entitled to use only official releases, if you have enough knowledge, you can even write your own software and make it work exactly as you would like to.
What you need to do is simple
First step is, delete this package using Puty (you will need to use some google)
killall gl_health
mv /usr/bin/gl_health /usr/bin/gl_health_bak
Then install travelmate files from Luci, to be more precise, packages.
After that, follow the instructions I sent you on the link.
There you go you have installed and set travelmate to enabled, now hopefully, you will have almost no disconnections and the router will reconnect automatically and quickly.
This router is a wonderful piece of tech, if the software was good. bugs are distroying it. hopefully, the devs are watching our frustration and they will soon release a bugfree firmware.