They are a How Too, for Open WRT, ar300m NAND, on which I can see one one sample:
how too access by self installed additional programms like:
Linux clone of Norton Commander like Midnight Commander
Webserver like Xamp, Apache or like this
I can see and install Programms like this on Open WRT. A after inustalling this programms, I dont find this programms on Webinterface from Open WRT, ar300m NAND
How configure without webinterface ?
They are a Editor like Midnight Commander or like this on GLI Version of Open WRT ?
Or its possible to open a console on Web interface ?
Found Informations:
It`s looks like access to file system will be by SSH
SSH,, Port 22
User: root ?
Pass: unknown
Installing “Visual file Manager GNU Midnight Commander mc” are possible on Webinterface, menue “App Repro”. Thats the same like follow link:
The question are the same like for other installed programms: How to start a installed programm. In this sample, how to start the now installed mc?
I hope it will be possible too, to start mc without SSH in future.
That to create, edit, remouve, delet and so on files without to need to look and install ssh client.
In the router there is no monitor and you have to use such program in certain user interfaces. Now it should be either SSH or web UI. But web UI is a separate tool and has nothing related to the program itself.