Asking for support for non-standard modems

I've been tinkering with T99W175 modem from aliexpress. I got it working but it is not being recognized by the original GL.iNet GUI which is a hassle to manage. I'm asking to please help with either patching the router software to recognise modem properly or clearly stating what parameters should the modem present to be properly recognised.
Two topics regarding this issue:
Topic 1
Topic 2

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Thank you very much for customized adaptation of this modem and sharing these experiences.

GL GUI does not support non-built-in models for the time being, so it may not be displayed normally in GL GUI.

This doesn't seem right, after all you offer m.2 to usb adapter for your routers so you're telling me that there's no support for this product?
GL.iNet routers being built based on OpenWRT suggests that they should be opensource friendly, supporting only two modems is absolutely not open-source. I am willing to help GL.iNet in making it work but I need willingness from the other side as well. After all, the hard work has already been done by the OpenWRT team and the brilliant minds at 4pda and forums (the modem works), we just need to push it a little bit further and get the GUI to properly recognise it.
I think your products and customers would benefit greatly from a wider range of supported modems that don't cost an arm and a leg (looking at you, Quectel RM520...)

Sure, I had subnet this request to PM team.