We have 1000M/1000M fiber internet connection. What might be the issue that Wifi upload (mainly 5Ghz) is always way better than download using GL-MT1300?
If I test nearby the router, there seems to be very small difference. But above 5 metres distance the difference seems to get bigger and bigger. For example the Samsung television from 10m distance seems to get 20M/50M and same with the Chromecast that is attached to it. Laptop in other room will get 50M/200M connection. My cellphone got 100M/300M from one spot.. and so on. These speeds are tested using various internet speed tests. And also, Windows seems to show always better upload than download link.
There seems to be somewhat 2-4x difference between upload and download all the time in wifi? Why? I'm using latest firmware, factory reset done and no change. WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE is the encryption, if that has some impact?
It depends on negotiated rate of the WIFI adapter (device), and this negotiated rate won't be equal to the actual rate, since it also related to the signal interference around, the performance or anti-interference of the client and router, etc.
May can try fixed channel, 36, 44, or others clean channel.
May can try the encryption method, WPA2-PSK.
The speedtest website should pick more nodes to test, some nodes perhaps busy.
Laptop has Intel AX201, phone has Qualcomm FastConnect 7800, Samsung TV has Ralink adapter, etc.. So there are different chipsets used and all of them has the same issue that upload is always better.
And like I said.. Windows as an example tells the negotiated speed separately for uplink and downlink. And always uplink is better. By using Ethernet, you will get full speed and there is no difference between download or upload in any internet speed tests, so the issue is only Wifi specific.
But I will try different channels and encryptions.
If the signal is the issue, should it then affect to both upload and download? I'm just trying to figure out why upload is always better and sometimes even way better? No one tries to focus on that.. I guess it should not be normal than in any circumstances (for example near or far), the upload wins all the time and with a good margin. In case of speed, I would rather have downlink and uplink opposite
So I guess the hardware just sucks, or something is really broken on software side. Maybe need to sell the device and buy something different, which is sad
I was using the latest 4.3.18 and now I use 3.216.
But I noticed this issue when I got 1G/1G fiber internet connection about a week ago. Previously I only had 100M/50M LTE connection, so I didn't pay any attention for this kind of operation. Of course I cannot say that every v4 firmware is broken, because I have not tested them all with 1G/1G connection. I just made assumption, because in OpenWRT side the issue was first detected in 21.02 version and all MT1300 v4 firmwares are based on newer OpenWRT version than 21.02.