Beta Testers Wanted: Comet (GL-RM1)! ✨

:rocket: Beta Testers Wanted: Comet (GL-RM1)! :desktop_computer::sparkles:

Introducing Comet (GL-RM1) – our Innovative Open-source Remote KVM is ready for beta testing! :bulb:We’re looking for tech enthusiasts to experience it firsthand and share valuable feedback. :speech_balloon:

:point_right: Sign up now and become part of our beta tester team! []


Yeaaaah! Waiting for this device since I know it exists!


Signed up for the beta!! Hopefully, I’ll get selected! I’m so excited about this product.

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Signed up, thanks!!

@LupusE That's something for you as well, I assume!

Already singed up. Thanks a lot for the reminder :slight_smile:

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Singed up. Thank you!

I signed up too

Signed up as well :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Signed up, thanks! Hope to help with the beta. Love your products and this looks like a great addition!

What this thing will do? It something like USB hub? Anybody know?

It's a KVM switch with some more features.

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I would be more specific:
It's a 1 port KVM-over-ip switch or IPKVM

A normal KVM-switch itself often is to switch between multiple PCs/laptop with 1 set of keyboard/mouse/monitor.

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Just noticed this and super excited. Given the excellent experience with your routers I'm excited to try this out.

It can perform remote desktop control through hardware.

I assume this is an unpaid position?

You will get the device for free ... shouldn't this be sufficient?


Depends on what you think a competent beta tester should earn per hour.

Since it's a beta test inside the community they shouldn't earn anything despite the device itself, in my opinion. Not sure what GL thinks about it, tho.

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Oh yeah, I get that it is nice to get a free device and play around with it and provide feedback and report issues. I just hope there will professional beta (QA) testing as well.

The differences in methods and results can be quite big. A pro would make sure any report has (debug) logs and reproduction steps and won't report anything that can't be reproduced.

I do understand that this can also be good promotion for the brand and fans of the brand will gladly give up their time. I guess to me there is beta testing and there's is beta testing lol