Can access rest api with SLATE AXT-1800


I am trying to access my new AXT-1800 settings via rest api following this documentstion.

curl -d “pwd=goodlife”

should give you back an authorization token but I just get back a 404:

<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>

Is rest api supported at all at the moment? If so, how can I activate and access it?

Thanks a lot

The documents is for 3.x firmware.

4.x firmware in AXT1800 doesn’t use REST API.
The API of 4.x firmware uses JSON-RPC standard. The authentication mechanism of this API is complex and we will provide full API documentation for it. When the documents are finished, we will update the document link in Homepage - GL.iNet Docs (

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thank you very much for the quick answer. Is there already a target date available for the release?

Not yet.
The API documentation is almost complete, mainly the English notes have not been filled in yet, I will inform you when it is completed.

Thanks a lot for the hint with the Chinese documentation.

I was finally able to connect and build a Python library around.

If somebody stumbles over the same issue, you can check out my solution:

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A post was split to a new topic: AXT1800 - Access API

Is it secure? It can be possible used for abuse. How to disable it?

This thread is 2 years old, please create a new one.