Convexa B1300 drops connection after 3.203 firmware upgrade

+1 here, unexpected dropouts mesh just goes down and takes few minutes to re-establish. Could not figure out the pattern, sometimes it works for days, sometimes it’s mostly unavailable for hours.

@Mahone, have you tried downgrading the firmware? Sadly, I won’t have much time to troubleshoot it further until September.


reverting to 3.105 on both routers, everything works fine again!

Cool, thanks a lot for confirming! Will downgrade it next week, then.

@jbourne Thanks for linking to this thread.

@Mahone Thanks for the update. Might have to do the same this weekend.

Is there any plan for a fix soon, @alzhao? Much appreciated.

Yes. Checking this problem now.

This is my initial report: Convexa B can no longer mesh after 3.203 update

In my case, I can no longer mesh the two B1300s as well.

Thank you very much.

Another user complaining about mesh issue: B1300 2 x Master Nodes MESH

Hi stavol,

I’m in the process of validating the tests, which may take some time.

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FYI: downgraded to 3.105 on Saturday, so far (5 days) mesh is rock solid.

Hi @lizh is there any update on this? Here’s another user using B1300 and S1300 having issues with mesh and 3.203 update. Thank you.

Hi. Did you downgrade on the main node only, or did you have to downgrade the sub nodes as well? Thanks.

I literally registered on the forum to report this very problem.

I bought a second Convexa-B GL-B1300 router recently to create a mesh network, and I see frequent connection drops.

This happens at least once a day for me, and it is purely random.

I am also on version 3.203 for both devices.

Checking mesh stability problems on B1300.

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Just to provide more info, the Mesh and Wifi LEDs both turn off when Wifi drops. Only the power LED is on.

But you were able to set-up the mesh?

I couldn’t even make them mesh with each other :frowning:


I’ve got to admit that the mesh on the B/S1300 is a bit tricky and there isn’t very good Gl.iNet documenation that explains clearly how to mesh.

Here’s the best procedure (well at least the one that works for me) :

  1. Reset master node
  2. Connect master node via WAN port
  3. Setup master node to get a working internet connection
  4. Scan surrounding WiFi channels to find best channels to set both the 2.4 and 5 Ghz channels to
  5. Set the WiFi up on the master node to match appropriate channels as per 4 above
  6. Also pay attention to bandwidth (20,40,80) depending on environment
  7. Reset 1st slave node
  8. Place slave node near the master node
  9. Press the mesh button on the masternode until the second faster flash and release
  10. Press the mesh button on the slave node until the second faster flash and release
  11. Wait - this appears to take a completely random amount of time to get a proper mesh connection. Often more than the state 3-4 minutes above.
  12. You can go tto the master node @ and watch the status of the mesh ( doing browser refreshes) , you should eventually see “Wireless” change to “Mesh” on the LHS menu and you should see node 1 appear under the mesh on the mesh page. Wait until you get solid green on both nodes.
  13. Change the mesh name and password to what you want it to be on the mesh node on the master node
  14. If you have additional nodes, reset them, bring them close to the master node and slave node
  15. Repeat steps 9-12 above until you see node 2, node 3 etc and solid mesh lights
  16. Place the nodes where you want them
  17. Find the optimal position for the nodes so that all nodes show connecting to the mesh (solid led)

Hope this helps

Thank you very much for the detailed reply.

But I just want to update that downgrading to 3.105 fixes the mesh issue.

I had to reset and downgrade the main and sub nodes, and immediately after that mesh works fine.

I don’t think I’ll upgrade again for a long time haha.

@stavol Ahh sorry, I thought you meant in general, not under 3.203 :slight_smile:

So, also here on this thread due to loosing Mesh capabilities with the 3.203 firmware uodate.

I’m running a S1300 (master with USB/Wan internet) and a B1300 (slave), which both worked flawlessly prior to the S1300 taking the update.

I’ve reverted the S1300 back to Firmware 3.105, but following the mesh setup, ad I have successfully in the past, I loose the ability to access the S1300 GUI when the router is in mesh mode, following the rollback to the 3.105 firmware.

Possible that a plugin got lost in the mix? Any suggestions?

If S1300 is the master, you should not loose the admin panel. Except for mesh, did you make other settings?