DSL Modem->Router VPN problem

Yes my ISP use Dynamic IP, everyday I have internet connection disturbed, need manually restart Flint router. I did read it’s caused as ISP change IP, so need set up watchdog script in schedule task+permissive script for peer to allow open wrt every distribution of connection restarting connection itself . But this doesn’t help as watchdog script in logs shows err, I don’t know how make it working .

It’s so annoying as the router becomes not usable, I will not restart the router every day manually.
Also when I turn on VPN need do restarts it a lot of times until became working as not always at first try becames working, I did observe it has conflict with ADGUARD as when switch off/on AdGuard automatically VPP begins working, if don’t do this VPN indicator stay orange/amber … it’s wired .

You could just set up a cronjob for rebooting the router. For the GL.iNet there are even options within the GUI. And if all fails, a simple hardware timer clock could help.

I tried to set up schedule task call wachdog;
echo ‘* * * * * /usr/bin/wireguard_watchdog’ >> /etc/crontabs/root

I have cron enabled in settings and just passed this to schedule task command window. When checked system logs system can see this
Comes up with error ….

What is the watchdog supposed to do?

Since we can’t read minds nor local logs: Could you please share the error?

Needs restart router or vpn connection itself if something will be wrong with connection

While there is a user interface, you don’t need to use crontabs manually.

But I suggest that you find out the root reason and fix that. It is not very clear to me know.

I have set up this , will see does this resolve my issue :wink:

Don’t forget to remove your cronjob since the syntax / file is wrong.

This didn’t resolve my problem, everyday at least once I need manually restart the router. How to fix dropped internet every time IP is changed by my ISP ?

Are you sure that the whole internet drops and not just DNS for example?

I have no idea as even can’t login to admin panel as completely have WiFi dropped, WiFi network is shown on the list o searching devices, when want to connect says “unable to connect “ , then only one solution is unplug then plug power cable from router. Main router Now Hob 2 just looks like all the time working fine so I began suspecting the GL iNet Flint is faulty ? It’s wired as all day it working just fine , it happens once sometimes a twice every day….

If you can’t connect WiFi even ssid showing name that could be problem with dhcp server, so you could try manual ip static. I had similar problem between macbook WiFi and beryl ax router.

When this happens, before you reboot, can you try get the log? You can either connect using cable or try manual IP according to @slesar’s suggestionn.

BTW, if you have Adguard etc enabled, can you disable for now. Just to make sure if the problem is not coming from it.

Ok thank you for suggestion, I will do those all and come back with results of my observations. I have access to logs but have hundreds of logs data so can’t figure out which one is responsible for distribution…

If you can access the UI just export the log.

You can send privately via email support@glinet.biz

Already set a message to you with attached files of logs. The logs files I think are recorded once’s restart was done today but tomorrow will try download them between WiFi drop down and restart via router -pc lan cable connection as wireless after WiFi drops down can’t connect but I did quick check of logs and after restart still plenty of errors existing there, also VPN after reboot needs have a few try until became connected I don’t know why, only need a few times do start /stop and AdGuard on/off( I think this helps but not sure for 100 procent does AdGuard cause any issue ) . It’s first time I am using gl iNet product but I am so disappointed as who gonna use a router which is so problematic in use with various types of internet connections/isp etc…. I had a hope it’s a game changer comparing to standard routers …

I switched off AdGuard and after one day I can just say the connection is still working without any problems, I didn’t need restart the router.
I will wait one day more, if still will be all
Fine that’s mean the problem making AdGuard.

Pretty sure it’s not an ADH problem but a configuration problem.
You should double check your general settings in ADH.

I didn’t touch any settings in AdGuard , only turned almost all available rules from their list….

So what DNS server did you choose for upstream then?