DSL Modem->Router VPN problem

As default are set up :

I checked your log.

You have Adguard home and wireguard connected. But I don’t see log about repeater.

So if you turnned off adguard and everything is working fine, maybe adguard home caused the system done.

AdGuard switched off . All working perfect . No the router doesn’t meet my needs unfortunately, to problematic…

Without wanting to offend you, I believe that the problem is a faulty configuration. OpenWrt routers all have the peculiarity that you have to deal very intensively with the matter. In return, you have almost unlimited freedom when setting it up.

I would recommend that you start with a basic setup and then add components.

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I can confirm when AdGuard switched off no internet disconnections, all working perfectly fine.

So it’s pretty sure not an internet disconnection problem but a DNS problem.

Yes probably, but how to try find the issue related with AdGuard ? Do you need me to upload AdGuard log files ? Like I said all AdGuard settings are default, didn’t touch anything…

Well, you have to test around using nslookup for example.
When the internet drops you have to test if you can still do ping google.com and you have to use nslookup gl-inet.com

Now I have AdGuard turned on along with VPN and it’s working perfectly fine without any internet disconnections but needed to TURN OFF AdGuard rules update. Until today don’t know what caused the issue but I disabled auto update for all rules and router stopped do a disconnections, so during updates was some problem with establishing new connection…I checked search section and found other people had the same problem with disconnection like me so the issue so good known…

Might be an bug in the AdGuard version. You could try to update it using the tutorial provided by @slesar

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