Firmware 3.211 Beta1

I updated the 3.211 firmware version of Beta1 here, you can download the test.
The major changes in 3.211 are as follows:

Based on openwrt 19.07.8  (AR150,MIFI,AR300M,USB150,N300,AR750,AR750S,X750,E750,X1200,XE300,MT1300,MT300N-V2,MV1000)

1. Firewall WAN input default setting was changed from Reject to DROP.
2. Merge the security vulnerability fixed by OpenWRT 19.07.8

New features:
1. MAC cloning is supported in Repeater mode. (MT1300,MT300N-V2)

Software Upgrade:
1. Upgraded TOR to 4.6.8

1. The offline client statistics function takes effect  after the administrator password is set.
2. File sharing the mnt directory cannot be shared without external disk.
3. The modem adds some prompt information when connecting.
4. Fixed some language translation issues.
5. After Luci is installed, clicking the link will create a new page.

Important bugfix:
1. Fixed MT1300 network port negotiation rate probability is only 10MB.
2. Fixed the data leakage problem caused by the failure of VPN policy after device restart when connecting to some VPNs.
3. Fixed MT300N-V2 uplink speed limit does not take effect.
4. Fix X1200 GPS data inaccuracies. 
5. Fixed Repeater scans would not display on the small screen.
6. Fixed wireGuard failure to reconnect when using NAT acceleration.
7. Fixed RTTY frequent disconnections.
8. Fixed IPV6 connection loss after using DHCP for a period of time.
9. Fixed IPV6 could not specify a prefix length when setting static addresses.
10. Fixed Luci was successfully installed but not available on unstable networks.
11. Fixed OpenVPN could not recognize separate key files.
12. Fixed wireGuard memory leak in the absence of network connection.
13. Fixed  MT300N-V2 WDS not working.
14. Fix inaccurate client statistics.
15. Fixed MT300N-V2 GPIO4,GPIO5 can not be used.
16. Fixed connection failure when the OpenVPN profile contained the COMPRESS LZO option.
17. Fixed DNS leak when killSwitch is enabled but there is no VPN connection.
18. Fix PPPOE cannot connect to the PAP/EAP server.
19. Fixed PPPOE disconnects repeatedly when connecting to servers that do not support IPV6.
20. Fixed MT300N-V2 on startup Ethernet port probability is not recognized.

1. Supports firmware upgrades to 21.02 of OpenWRT
2. Supports firmware upgrades to 4.x.x of GL.iNet

MT1300 provides two versions of firmware, the firmware in the mt1300-newdriver folder uses MTK’s new WIFI driver.
Any questions, please feedback here, I will reply to your questions in time.


Beta 1 it’s better than snapshot 11/18?

It looks like it’s 1112 nightly build version as filename implied.

AR300M - can’t update packages (plug ins), so can’t install LUCI, I get a failed to run OPKG message.

PS. I upgraded using “keep settings”

11/18 is newer, we have tested the beta version, and the other versions are compiled automatically by pulling the latest code every day without testing, I recommend using the beta version.

Yes, this one was compiled on November 12th, and I spent some time doing basic testing

The package is still being uploaded, it will take some time, you can try again tomorrow.

11/18 snapshot working fine on a brume so far

It usually works, but automatic compilation is not always that secure.

I understand, uploading beta…

So far so good with this beta…

OK, just upgraded my Brume with firmware 3.211 beta 1, after around 4hr later, Stubby started having issues(process is running and doesn’t resolve to any hostname) and need to restart it to make it work again. (stubby+NextDNS)

p.s: the stubby version within GL-inet firmware is kind of old, can you guys upgrade it to newer version, that’s will make a lot of users happy I guess.

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Get your feedback. I need to spend some time to test. It would be better if you could provide the system log.

I just checked the syslog and find out nothing special about stubby related, only daemon starting and processing config file info. (I upgraded new firmware at around 13:56 and I restarted stubby daemon around 17:41, there is nothing about stubby error kind log in between the 2 time points)

I have noticed in prior snapshots that some packages are not available in the repository, specifically sqm. Are they fixed here?

I loaded the 3.211 Beta1 on my GL-MT1300.

The file openwrt-mt1300-3.211-1112.bin caused significant issues. My first attempt was using the “Save Settings” option during the upgrade. After the update, the router IP defaulted to I was able to log on but none of the menu items worked and it would not connect to the saved wireless access point as a repeater. Hard wiring it to my router did allow me to access the internet.

The same issue was seen after a flash through uboot and clean install.

The file openwrt-mt1300-newdriver-3.211-1112.bin does seem to work. I have it installed now and I’m testing it today (before my next trip in about a week…). No issues so far on either 2.4G or 5G.

What is the “new driver” part of this release?


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I have the same problem with the non-newdriver one.

The newdriver one comes with updated mtk wifi driver.

I have confirmed the problem you reported and am trying to solve it.

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All packages have been uploaded, which package can not be found?

Thanks for your feedback, I have removed MT1300 from the beta folder and kept the NewDriver version, it should work better.

Wifi driver upgraded from 5.0.3 to 5.1.0

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