Flint 2 (GL-MT6000 ) - bug reports - collective thread

For real ? reset firmware doesn’t delete everything ? do you have any examples ?

If you broke the system and tried some “advanced” things inside the OS, reinstalling might be the only way to revert to a stable system state.

You sure you don’t work for GL.iNet?
You starting to sound like a talking head…

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It depends on what you did.

Resetting the settings will install some preformatted image to the root partition. In most cases this is sufficient. But if you worked “under the hood” it might be a problem.

Note that this “soft reset” is performed with file system actions, so in some cases it is not enough.

Basically, I would recommend the following steps:
If you just changed stuff using the GL GUI → Revert using the “Reset” button
If you did something using SSH which was more complicated than you thought before → Reflash

Since reflashing is as fast as resetting, I recommend reflashing because you can be sure that the device is completly “new” then and there are no problems from the last firmware.

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one of the problems I encountered… gl updated the DDNS packages in this version 4.5.6 and caused their ddns to break… installing luci-app-ddns and configuring the Duckdns ddns that I have came back to Wireguard access works normally… but there is another thing that doesn’t seem to be gl’s fault, Duckdns is having problems with cloudflare, yesterday I was testing 23.05-snapshot and there were websites that wouldn’t open, just disable the cell phone’s wifi that started working again…

So cloudflare has problems there too…

the same guy always… it’s unbelievable that he’s still on the forum… he can help with anything in other topics, being arrogant like that, let’s really flag it…

must be a staff member, or a friend of someone from gl, it is not possible

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Or it’s someone who enjoys technology and (mostly) helps people here without being completely unemotional.

I certainly don’t agree with all of @bring.fringe18 's expressions, but hey, this is the internet. I absolutely cannot understand why there are constant complaints about what someone writes here - instead of a simple “thanks for the help” or “ah, I don’t share your opinion”.

All I can say at this point is: get on with each other. Stop insulting each other or calling each other “GL.iNET employees” just because the statements don’t suit your own personal views. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions - unless they are simply nonsense from a technical point of view.

This is primarily about routers.
This is not normally a particularly emotional topic.


Went back to 4.5.4 to see if it would help my issue but it didn’t help. Anyone else have the same experience using the repeater option as backup internet? Having the repeater on, connected to another 2.4ghz network, always causes disconnections with all of my connected 2.4ghz devices.

Just for your information @alex_zheng
Even with 4.5.6. the issue with 160 MHz still exists for me. Devices connect (and silently disconnect, just to connect again) multiple times. I am using different devices, some with Intel chip, some with unknown android chip.

I’m back to 80 MHz which works pretty stable.

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For me that still happens on 80Mhz

What’s the real issue, then? I was hoping this release would finally fix it.

Hi @admon @japa182 Sorry for feedback so late. These days we are doing some test on the close source WIFI driver version. It has more stable wifi connection in our side, And compare the open source version the 2.4G is better . we will have a Alpha version monday,


If you broke the system, there is a huge possibility to don’t have access to the ethernet or wifi anymore, so there is no way to reinstall anything.

The reset button should be used for this scenario, loading a fresh firmware on default settings.
This is the most smart way to add a reset button on a device.

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That’s not true. You can simply use uboot. That’s why it’s integrated.

Or, if you can still SSH into your router, you can execute the update from there.
People need to understand that OpenWrt is a “full-size” OS - not just some “firmware”

Is there any pattern?
E.g. this is happening every 1h?

Could you keep one of these devices next to Flint2 (e.g.: no more than 2 meters away) and check if it keeps disconnecting?

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Step 2 from your link:

Remove the power of router. Connect your computer to the Ethernet port (either LAN or WAN) of the router

Please explain how to do that if you broke the system and don’t have ethernet or wifi connection anymore.

The purpose of a physical reset button is to reset the system when you cannot access it anymore.

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By understanding how uboot works. Please inform yourself :wink:
Click | Click | Click | Click

The only reason why uboot does not work is when the whole device exploded and there is no ethernet socket anymore. (Or somebody removed it. Which is pretty… dumb)

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From the GL-iNet official link:

Remove the power of router. Connect your computer to the Ethernet port (either LAN or WAN) of the router

If you broke the system, by a bug on the ethernet firmware (e.g.), and don’t have ethernet connection anymore, everything else is useless.
OpenWrt isn’t GL-iNet (even if it’s part of it).

There is a clear purpose to have a physical reset button in a hardware: to make your life easier when you broke the system. It must load a fresh system with standard settings.

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I won’t discuss this anymore - it’s hopeless.

uboot is the way to go, since it’s the only possibility to flash the image when you broke the OpenWrt OS.
Just trust me when I say, that uboot will save your ass in that case - no matter what you did in OpenWrt.

uboot is not part of OpenWrt, that’s why you can’t break it (usually)