GL-AR750s - USB Printer

I have the GL-AR750S router, I’m trying to hook up a USB Printer to the router through the port. I loaded CUP and P910nd, I saw where I can configure the p910nd, and followed the direction through the openwrt wiki, I’m still not getting any connectivity from my Win10 machines to the printer. Does anyone have any ideals?

Long time before I configured printer on the router and I hope that you can refer to this.

Install cups

opkg update
opkg install cups
/etc/init.d/cupsd enable

Add user access

Change /etc/cups/cupsd.conf Pls make sure you use the IP address correct.

User root
Group root
AuthClass Anonymous
Allow from

Check printer info

chmod 700 /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb

And you can see the printer information

DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=2
DEBUG2: Printer found with device ID:
series;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Canon iP3600
series;VER:1.020;STA:10;HRI:ASI;MSI:AOFF,BOFF,DAT,E3,HFSF;PDR:6; Device URI:
direct usb://Canon/iP3600%20series?serial=13C040 "Canon iP3600 series" "Canon
iP3600 series" "MFG:Canon;CMD:BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe,PLI;SOJ:TXT01;MDL:iP3600
series;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Canon iP3600
series;VER:1.020;STA:10;HRI:ASI;MSI:AOFF,BOFF,DAT,E3,HFSF;PDR:6;" ""

Configure the printer
go to and add your printer. Pls use your root password.

Use printer in windows

The printer address is

Use cache
Cups need to cache printer files. If router’s RAM is not big it may cause problem. So you can ask cups to cache in USB devices.

Modify /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and add your external storage.

RequestRoot /mnt/sda1
TempDir /mnt/sda1

Hi Mr Alzhao, i have a GL-MT300N-V2, i try this configuration, but no access.Please help

You need to check if cups is running normally.

I try for the GL-B1300. I can access to the cups admin interfaces. But I don’t know how to add my printer.
when I type : /usr/share/cups/usb: It’ say :
/usr/share/cups/usb: No such file or directory
DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=5

But no printer found…

Printer is connected (power on) into usb to the mesh node (not the main node which as a usb storage)
I can see 2 defaults printers in the web interface, it’s normal ?
“LP” and “USB” in queue name

Now it’s ok I have add cups on my subnode (with ssh) and my printer work on the subnode usb :slight_smile:

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Can you share your experience here?

I simply connected via SSH to the subnode and then installed cups as mentioned above and used the ip address of the subnode to configure the printer in cups.

For those who came here and didn’t get success with CUPS.
For my HP LaserJet Pro M1132 p910nd solution worked perfect without any messing with ppds or drivers for unix.

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GL.iNet Travel Router (GL-AR750S) USB Printing from Router - 12. 17. 21

(Printer is already connected to router USB port)

  1. login to your router via web browser (

  2. MORE SETTINGS > Advanced

a. download and install Luci

  1. SSH (Secure Shell) into your router

A. Download and open PuTTY

  1. Host Name (or IP address)=

  2. accept the PuTTY Security Alert

  3. login as: root

  4. password: is your router’s password

  5. Configure p910nd Print Server in PuTTY

A. enter commands

  1. opkg update

  2. opkg install kmod-usb-printer

  3. opkg install p910nd luci-app-p910nd

  4. ls /dev/usb/lp*
    (if configured correctly, results should be= /dev/usb/lp0)

  5. back to your web browser of your router (

A. FIREWALL > Open Ports on Router

  1. Name= enter whatever you like, I entered (USB>WIFI Printing)

  2. Port= 1900

  3. Protocol= TCP/UDP

  4. Status= Enabled

  5. Add


  1. click on

  2. Password= enter your router’s password

  3. Services > p910nd Printer server

a. enabled= make sure it is checked

b. Device= /dev/usb/lp0

c. Interface= unspecified

d. Port= 1900

e. Bidirectional mode= leave checked

f. Save&Apply

  1. On PC, start > Printer

A. Add a printer or scanner

B. click The printer that I want isn’t listed

C. add a local printer or network printer with manual settings

D. create a new port= type of port Standard TCP/IP Port

E. Hostname or IP address:

F. uncheck= Query the printer and automatically select the drive to use

G. click next, let the computer detect TCP/IP

H. Custom then click Settings

  1. Protocol: RAW, Port Number: 9100

I. Pick your printer driver and follow instructions to complete configuration and installation

Final: reboot your router and turn off/on your printer and print something.

Add additional computers to print, follow step 6 on each computer.