GL-AXT1800 : Error -50 when copying files to a shared (exfat) disk on Mac OS

2400 Mbps
I was very close to the router. Like no more than 2 meters.
It starts at a reasonable speed, but then it reduce a lot. It seems there is a buffer saturating quickly.

Resolved ! !!

Hello. I'm the original poster...

I dont understand anything in what you say, but after reading those posts, I formatted the HD in EXT4, and now it's working seamlessly on Mac. It might not be the fastest, and I would've preferred EXFAT, but at least it works as intended with all my Macs, even Apple Sillicon.

I suggest making this clear in the instructions to save others from wasting time and effort like I did. EXT4 isn't integrated into the system, so formatting directly is impossible. However, there's a free and simple way : I used the demo of Paragon EXTFS for Mac: Write/read access to Linux files under macOS High Sierra - extFS by Paragon Software for Mac

Sorry if my input seems obvious to you, but as a non-IT person, I think it could help someone like me. I didn't find it clearly stated anywhere, despite years of frustration and this question on the support forum.

Thanks to @dchao and @admon for guiding me with your initial reply discussions!

For me, this topic is now resolved.

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can you update the samba to use samba(7) then we can use the settings here for osx Configure Samba to Work Better with Mac OS X - SambaWiki