My LTE provide have IPv6. However, my LAN can’t use that IPv6 connection. How do I setup IPv6 for my LAN to use IPv6 Connectivity?

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You can read this topic:

TLDR: ipv6 is disabled because it can cause VPN leaks. It is being worked on, but takes time. No timeframe when it would be ready.

We are already working on this development and believe it will be supported soon.

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What’s the status on this now, almost a year later? It’s still not in the UI. If I change files over ssh to enable ipv6 it it appears as though they revert almost instantly. My application does not require any of the potential compromises of enabling it, the leaks or whatever. I just need to be able to communicate with my device from non t-mobile internet. Currently with ipv4 I can only access my IP if I’m on another t-mobile network device.

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Firmwares are in snapshot folder but needs more time to test.

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