I notice that if I save the profile and select it for "Manual Setup", the Authentication field is None, which results in sending -> AT^NDISDUP=1,1,"APN",NONE in the log.
The None string is indeed invalid. When I run the command without the NONE string it works properly. Could you fix it?
Also sometimes the E3372 modem disconnects by itself, but the MT3000 doesn’t automatically reconnect. When I go to the dashboard and manually click “Auto Setup”, the modem still works fine again. Is it possible for the MT3000 to set up automatically when the modem disconnects?
I also found out that if I create the network profile directly in Luci, it's much easier and faster to re-establish the modem connection in GL-iNet UI:
Another benefit of setting this up in Luci is that the E3372 connects to the Internet automatically when I plug it to the MT3000 (without going to the UI and click Auto Setup).
After decompressing the ipk, use winscp to upload the IPK to the tmp directory
opkg --force-reinstall install /tmp/gl-sdk4-modem_git-2024.229.15677-869a67d-1_arm_cortex-a7.ipk
@ywp hey thanks! I actually found out from this blog that if you force the E3372 to the "modem only" mode (AT^SETPORT="FF;10,12,16"), it will use /dev/cdc-wdm0 instead of /dev/ttyUSB*, which not only increases the performance but also lets the MT3000 recognize the modem properly:
root@GL-MT3000:~# opkg --force-reinstall install gl-sdk4-modem_git-2024.229.15677-869a67d-1_arm_cortex-a7.ipk
Removing package gl-sdk4-modem from root...
rm: can't remove '/tmp/sms_manager_port': No such file or directory
Updating database.
Database update completed.
Installing gl-sdk4-modem (git-2024.179.42655-495765a-1) to root...
Collected errors:
* opkg_download_pkg: Package gl-sdk4-modem is not available from any configured src.
* opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download gl-sdk4-modem. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gl-sdk4-modem.