GL-MV1000 brume vanilla openwrt support

Will the brume ever support vanilla openwrt? Does GL plan to submit patches to openwrt for this fantastic small little router?

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Yes, we will wait for the software to be fully functional and submit the patch to openwrt19.07

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Iā€™m using vanilla openwrt since a while now, with vlans, dnsmasq, unbound and a lot of stuff configured. Itā€™s rock stable and works really well. Just the led patches are missing, but since the router is in a cabinet that does not really matter to me.
Whatā€™s missing for openwrt? Is it just the led patches?

@Simon can you share some info for brume vanilla build?

i did some custom build in the past but none for a ā€œnew deviceā€, gl-inet takes forever to submit patches.

thank you for your time and info.


Sure. What do you want to know?

@Simon i did some build for devices already in device tree with make menuconfig nothing special or advanced, i guess for a new device iā€™ll have to use dts file from gl-inet repo but i have no idea, or iā€™m trying to figure out, where to place files ad where to create a make file for new device. i also have no need for leds or other, device is just routing on top of shelfā€¦ any info would be great.

many thanks


This is how I did it: GL-MV1000 web interface not accessible - #7 by Simon

If you have any specific questions just ask away!

@Simon many thanks, this commit answer all my questions about where to put info for new device, i guess that i need to start reading and merge info needed for mv1000 in my build directory.

any specific part i should avoid?


sorry for late feedbackā€¦ did my build from stable tag v19.07.2, many thanks @Simon again.

let hope devs @Gl-inet will soon add support in openwrt official!



There is a commit that fix the led on the brume fix: modify register for mv1000 Ā· gl-inet/openwrt@76252cd Ā· GitHub

Support for the brume on openwrt has been added: Index of /snapshots/targets/mvebu/cortexa53/
I tried install it through the usual way on the web ui without success, not sure what other options do we have.

they donā€™t look like uboot imgages.

does sdcard means the first partition in the micro sd reader or the ubuntu partition

I found flashing instructions: Git - openwrt/openwrt.git/commit
I got it working, I extracted the image from glinet_gl-mv1000-squashfs-sdcard.img.gz and uploaded with uboot.

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what driver to enable network on the usb-c port?

I know the network file should have usb0 like below

config interface ā€˜lanā€™
option type ā€˜bridgeā€™
option ifname ā€˜lan0 lan1 usb0ā€™

USB-C port is connecting to USB gadget interface. So you need to install RNDIS driver.

yeah I installed kmod-usb-net-rndis but that did not work.
kmod-usb-gadget-eth not showing up in package list for snapshot.

Itā€™s not that simple.

you need this three patches from the original gl-inet github commit (Feat:add GL-MV1000 support Ā· gl-inet/openwrt@b2ef497 Ā· GitHub)




(for kernel 4.19 you should rename them to 547ā€¦, 548ā€¦, 549 for example)

Copy them to target/linux/mvebu/patches-4.14/ or target/linux/mvebu/patches-4.19/ (should work for both kernel versions)


make kernel_menuconfig

and the patches should apply.

Afterwards you can go to device drivers - usb - usb gadget support - usb periphal controller and select " Marvell USB2.0 Device Controller" and ā€œMarvell Armada 38X/3700/8K USB 3.0 controllerā€

save the config and


thank you. I just wish I knew what I was doing at making the build environment, adding the patches, the make kernel_menuconfig and everything after that because that is all above my skills base. Iā€™ve tried walking myself through it only to end up wasting my time with failure.

just wondering how this is coming along with the new 19.07.3. I truely would like to be able to install something that is not snapshot on my brume.

I built a 19.07.3 brume vanilla image yesterday and also added the drivers for my dwa-171 wifi dongle , working much better than the openwrt snapshots.