GL-MV1000 brume vanilla openwrt support

How to flash in uboot

I want to know how to compile the gl-mv1000w firmware from the openwrt source code, which components and plug-ins need to be selected. Is it convenient to provide a config.buildinfo file

You need to choose mvebu/cortexa53/ and find mv1000 as target

precompiled firmware can be find here

No .config file can be provided

and then? How to brush? I use u-boot to flash the machine and no response

gl-mv1000wę€Žä¹ˆåœØopenwrtå®˜ę–¹ē³»ē»ŸåŠ å…„wifi驱åŠØ

Sorry for necroposting but I just tried these (more recent) files in uboot and ended with nothing usable.
How are we supposed to use these files ? Why does someone even care to generate them if there are no install instruction anywhere ?

I was very appreciative to get a head start on vanilla openwrt and so did others. one can take two directions. one being the following:

  1. hey this looks great guys thanks for posting. Iā€™m a little rusty (very) and I was wondering if someone could take the time to help me out im stuck and i would greatly appreciate it.

2. dam you mofoā€™s postin shit on the internet messin up my stuff that donā€™t work your crap stinks and itā€™s a waste of my time.

yeah your name fits you. take it elsewhere

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for wifi a used a tplink tl-wn722n usb wireless with it. (I had to install drivers) and they were compatabile with wpa3 :wink:

Flashing to vanilla worked for me. Here are some more concrete instructions:

  1. If youā€™re attached to your config, save a backup first, as this procedure appears to blow it away.
  2. I followed gl-inetā€™s How to Enter the Uboot Web UI instructions. I had to try a couple times with the reset. The time it worked, I power cycled right before holding down the reset button. Not sure if that was necessary. But as it says on that page, I had the WAN port unplugged and the LAN port going to my machine, which I gave a fixed IP I was able to connect to
  3. From the uboot UI, I flashed glinet_gl-mv1000-squashfs-sdcard.img, which Iā€™d downloaded from the snapshots URL mentioned above and ungzipped.
  4. The brume stopped responding to pings then started again after (iirc) 15 seconds. I waited a few minutes for a web interface but it never came up. Eventually I port-scanned it and realized ssh was open.
  5. I logged in via ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@, plugged in the WAN port, and ran opkg update && opkg install luci as mentioned in the openwrt docs. Then the web interface came up.

Now my brume is running OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r17122-6721c20629 / LuCI Master git-21.194.64526-f919635.

I realize now thereā€™s a real release candidate (not a snapshot) at Doesnā€™t look like there are any release builds for the 19.07 branch.


Is anyone using vanilla OpenWRT 22 on Brume? How is the hardware support?

Iā€™m using one of the wifi dongles suggested by GL-inet, itā€™s based on rtl8812/8821, I understand that may not be supported. But how about other stuff? Problems?

I didnā€™t try openwrt 22 recently. But it should be pretty stable on MV1000.

Even if you add wifi dongle, it should be pretty easy to install drivers and make it sta.

make it sta.

Do you happen to have insight on which if any dongles work well for AP mode in recent vanilla OpenWRT? Especially dual-band ones.

Updating to add that Iā€™m currently testing Mediatek MT7610U based dongles, but, Iā€™m testing them on Shadow so itā€™s in a different thread. GL-AR300M Shadow 5GHz dongle?

When building the target image for my MV1000 using OpenWrt git for 22.03, what settings would you typically use for the highest expanded size to use for squashfs so I donā€™t have to expand it later?

(16)Kernel partition size in MiB
(?) Root filesystem partition size in MiB
I was going to use something like 6675 MiB or should I do more?
-Any additional packages recommended? I kinda want my ledā€™s to function and USB.
-Any extra tips or tricks?

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The size seems ok. For usb, choose as much as possible, e.g. storage, etc.

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Here I am over a year later, just did several hours of research again tonight and wanted to add to this thread that the Alfa AWUS036ACS dongle which is officially supported by GL-iNetā€™s firmware, is not likely to be usable on vanilla OpenWRT as of 23.05, so if you have been using this dongle with the stock firmware, do not expect it to be usable with vanilla as of 2023.

The latest, best candidate for source code for a driver for this dongle will always be linked to here: GitHub - morrownr/8821au: Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8811AU and RTL8821AU Chipsets

As of this writing in September 2023, the above link points to this repo: GitHub - morrownr/8821au-20210708: Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8811AU and RTL8821AU Chipsets - v5.12.5.2

However, building the above repo for OpenWRT will be a pain, as it is not currently supported for this driver: Can you edit this script to add install on openwrt ability? Ā· Issue #104 Ā· morrownr/8821au-20210708 Ā· GitHub

Itā€™s at least somewhat possible that I might try to make this driver build for vanilla OpenWRT on the Brume at some point ā€¦ but given that the dongle cost like $20, and Iā€™m pressed for time on other projects, itā€™s not terribly likely.

FYI everyone! currently waiting with excitement for stock 4.x firmware on my Brume 1! :laughing:


Can you use this WiFi driver?

Thatā€™s a good question, as Iā€™ve never built a driver (or anything else) for OpenWRT yet :wink:

BTW, if I can figure out how to build & install it, I would be happy to start talking to this guy to see if he has any interest in the source code ā€¦ itā€™s not super likely because heā€™s not developing OpenWRT drivers but rather drivers aimed at desktop Linux ā€¦ but it would be nice to get GL.iNetā€™s patches for that specific dongle chipset merged into vanilla OpenWRT at some point, and maybe making him aware of GLiā€™s code will help that along :slight_smile:

Sorry for the triple post, but Iā€™ve successfully installed 23.05.0-rc3 on my Brume 1 and posted a guide, and wanted to ping people who may be watching this thread. The guide is here: Installing OpenWRT 23.05 on Brume 1

@alzhao I set up an OpenWRT build box for the first time, hopefully soon Iā€™ll be able to try that driver you linked above.

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