GL-X3000 - Bridge Mode WAN IP Passthrough

This is the workaround for the v4.7.1 of the X3000/XE3000, updated the "dnsmasq".

  1. Download this improved program dnsmasq and copy to the router by the WinSCP, such as the path is on the /root/.
  2. Execute on the SSH:
    md5sum /root/dnsmasq
    Confirm the printed code is c117c33c1659d43338efb3f65b4769ce
    If yes, continue:
mv /root/dnsmasq /etc/init.d/dnsmasq

curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto","mac":""}],"id":1}
