GL-X3000 - Bridge Mode WAN IP Passthrough

This is the workaround for the v4.7.1 of the X3000/XE3000, updated the "dnsmasq".

  1. Download this improved program dnsmasq and copy to the router by the WinSCP, such as the path is on the /root/.
  2. Execute on the SSH:
    md5sum /root/dnsmasq
    Confirm the printed code is c117c33c1659d43338efb3f65b4769ce
    If yes, continue:
mv /root/dnsmasq /etc/init.d/dnsmasq

curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto","mac":""}],"id":1}


@bruce in passthrough mode, can I use the 2.5Gbps WAN port instead of the 1Gbps LAN port?
Also, I canNOT confirm that the workaround work. The GL-X3000 can get online but unable to passthrough IP.

I followed these steps however I still have this error. As a result even though the Glinet x3000 has an IP and handed one out to my firewall all packets are being dropped.

The interface is connected, but the Internet can't be accessed.

root@GL-X3000:~# md5sum /etc/init.d/dnsmasq
c117c33c1659d43338efb3f65b4769ce  /etc/init.d/dnsmasq
root@GL-X3000:~# curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto","mac":""}],"id":1}'

@bruce After copying the new dnsmasq, my X3000 does not give an IP address to my gateway. I haven't been able to test the curl. After copying the dnsmasq you reboot then execute the curl command? Or, after copying you execute the curl then reboot?


I tried this 2 ways

  1. copied new dnsmasq
  2. replaced old dnsmasq
  3. reboot
  4. does not give IP and can't run curl command

second attempt

  1. copied new dnsmasq
  2. replaced old dnsmasq
  3. ran curl command
  4. reboot
  5. does not give IP

Super happy to keep testing though! Would love to get this working again :slight_smile:

EDIT: (limited to 3 replies :frowning: )
This works for me. Thank you @bruce !

Perhaps there are plans to add "official" functionality in the future?

Swap the 2.5G port as LAN mode before configuring the modem bridge.

Sorry, guys, I forget the permission of the new "dnsmasq"! Update here:

  1. Download this improved program dnsmasq and copy to the router by the WinSCP, such as the path is on the /root/ .

  2. Execute on the SSH:

md5sum /root/dnsmasq

Confirm the printed code is c117c33c1659d43338efb3f65b4769ce

  1. If 2 yes (if no, please re-download), continue:
mv /root/dnsmasq /etc/init.d/dnsmasq

chmod 777 /etc/init.d/dnsmasq

curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto","mac":""}],"id":1}'

The X3000/XE3000 restart at this time.

  1. After the X3000/XE3000 restarted, the IP passthrough mode has been activated, and 1 client of LAN will get the modem IP.

It still does not work
The checksum is ok, commands run ok, restart ok, the GL-X3000 is online and stated it is in passthrough mode but unable to passthrough IP to the connected device.

My router without issue, the client gets the modem IP.

If it does not work, please try to reset the network (Long press the reset button 4 seconds, or go to GL GUI > NETWORK > Network mode > Router), and execute this again:

curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto","mac":""}],"id":1}'

It partially works. When i reboot the downstream router (an ASUS GT-AX11000), it was able to get the passthrough IP from the GL-X3000. However, when I reboot the GL-X3000, all was lost and it's back to private IP. Also, when the GL-X3000 reboot, the admin panel site cannot be accessed after 1 minute into operation.
It appears that whenever the GL-X3000 reboot, the downstream device has to reboot as well to obtain an updated passthrough IP.
Firmware 4.4.13 automatically updates the passthrough IP without requiring downstream device to reboot.
UPDATE: If anyone has an ASUS router, under WAN setting \Internet Connection \Special Requirement from ISP \DHCP Query Frequency \ Normal mode will solve this issue.

I actually have come across this behaviour with 4.4.13 when using it with my Unifi gateway. Not sure if it's a new issue necessarily. I've even come across this with routers that do officially support passthrough mode.

Also, Goodcloud do not recognize GL-X3000 passthrough as online in come cases
Update: resolved after waiting a few minutes

actually Goodcloud feature still does not work properly in passthrough with firmware 4.7.1. Router mode is fine.

@bruce I have the same problems as the others. After the reboot, the public IP is passed on for about 30 seconds, then the internal IP of the router is given again

Hello everyone,

The v4.7.4 has been released, and this issue has been fixed.

You can directly enable it through the API command:

  1. Upgrade to v4.7.4
  2. SSH to X3000/XE3000:
curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto","mac":""}],"id":1}'

Thank you.


This version is a beta version

@bruce: The installation was successful. Passthrough is also working again. However, I needed two reboots after the update. Before that, no IP address was received by the router. It has been running smoothly for the past hour.


I had to run the curl command twice (4.7.2), but afterwards, passthrough worked just fine through eth1 (LAN), but not eth0 (WAN), as was described before.
IPv6 assignment took a couple of interface restarts on my OPNsense, but that may be because of its interface configuration. I'll play with it some more and see what I can find out.
SSH and the admin page are both accessible at

@JimmyJoeBobAlooba if you set the WAN port as LAN before converting from the router mode to passthrough mode, the WAN port will work.

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@PaxRoma Interesting: so other than higher bandwidth, what's the benefit of using the WAN port?
My T-Mobile connection is zippy (400-500Mb), but nowhere near 2.5Gb.

@JimmyJoeBobAlooba: Some 5G providers offer more than 1 Gbit/s over the network.

A switch between WAN and LAN ports is possible in the advanced menu."