GL-X3000 - Bridge Mode WAN IP Passthrough

will this work with both cellular and ethernet WAN?

i.e. if i take my fios ethernet connection from the ONT, can i passthrough that as well as the cellular connections to my pfsense router, and have the spitz do the failover?

In firmware 4.4.13, the curl passthrough command:
curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","netmode","set_mode",{"mode":"passthrough","mask":"auto"}],"id":1}'
..returns "success", but after I installed the latest 4.7.1 RC, and afterwards, the same command fails with an internal server error:

500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error


..reverting to the 4.4.13 firmware restores the passthrough command.

..but on the good side, the new UI and functionality exposed in 4.7.1 are excellent! :heart_eyes:
IPv6 is handled better and the logging is greatly improved. I especially like having the choice of network acceleration type (I don't really care about live traffic statistics in the modem; I have my OPNSense for that).
Interestingly in 4.7.1, I see a public IPv4 address in the Cell connection instead of the standard address I saw in 4.4.13. I'm using the same T-Mobile HI SIM and self-detected settings.

I second this. The latest firmware 4.7.1 seem to disabled the passthrough mode. Please restore this feature.

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Yes same, I wish I'd seen this thread before upgrading :expressionless:


Regarding the modem bridge mode feature 'passthrough', it is a hidden experimental function before. The API command is no longer to support to active the passthrough after v4.7.1 firmware, and perhaps will not continue to be supported in the later.

If you required the passthrough feature, please use v4.4.13 now.

I hope that feature comes back and becomes an official feature. As seen in this thread, this feature can be an important point for a buyer.

Well, that's disappointing.
I like the 4.7.1 improvements enough that I can do without passthrough for the time being, but please add me to any list you're keeping for potential beta testers in eneral, but especially for passthrough.
I get why you'd be reluctant to make it available (much less visible) to Joe and Jane user, but there are those among us who love this device and would make all sorts of happy noises about it if passthrough became a reality.

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If there is a beta test program for the passthrough, I would also like to participate

I hope passthrough gets added to 4.7.1, I'm holding back in 4.4.13 for now. @bruce please bring it to 4.7.x ... Thanks..

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I hope passthrough gets added to 4.7.1, I'm holding back in 4.4.13 for now. @bruce please bring it to 4.7.x ... Thanks..

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This is terrible news. Guess I'll roll back to 4.4.13 until passthrough is available or find an alternative :frowning:

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Not that many routers with comparable modems I'm afraid, and I have tried about a dozen at least.

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Such a shame. Seems it was removed for no reason?

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It probably breaks / create a conflict with something new they've added, or they just don't want to maintain it anymore.

You're not wrong. But there are options :slight_smile:

Do tell, feel free to dm me if you prefer that!

@polemarxos Peplink, Cradlepoint, Suncomm, ChesterCheetah, Cudy ... those come to mind but most have newer Snapdragon X75 chipsets. Some Inseego devices (FX3100 default for t-mobile business internet), they also use the Snapdragon X62 that's in the Spitz. Aliexpress is full of options but hardly any that I'd trust so I don't consider those options.

The Chester doesn't have a passthrough mode that I'm aware of, it could though. All the others have bypass/passthrough. And, fwiw, this isn't a big deal for probably anyone that doesn't have a static IP. I do have a static IP so not having that passed through to my gateway just makes things a pain in the butt.

@bruce If there is such a thing as testing for passthrough in the future, I'd love to get in on that too. It's an important feature for me.

EDIT: I shouldn't say most have newer chipsets, maybe half at best.


Hello everyone,

We learned that the feature 'passthrough' may be important to users.
We are trying to debug this feature on the v4.7.1 firmware.


@bruce these are good news. The customers will be happy. If you need testers. I believe you will find volunteers here in the thread. I would be a volunteer.