GL-XE3000 and FW 4.7.1 (from 11.11.2024)


since the last BETA update the battery display is sometimes missing.
Everything else is working find. The new modem FW lead into a faster download/upload speed for Vodafone Germany.

I still missing the ESIM seetings support. Hope that comes soon for the 4.7 FW (GL-X3000 & GL-XE3000).

Thanks in advance

Trying reproduces this issue.
When the issue occurred, please change other one browser to check the GUI again.

This feature will merge to standard firmware soon, please wait for it to be more stable.

Hi Bruce

the behavior of the battery display is very strange. First time I thought that it only happens because of plugin the power connector. But than it also happens in battery mode. I see the battery display and than it disapear f.e. by next login.

Btw: Thanks for your answer and thanks for your good work. Still waiting for the next BETA (or Final ? ;-)) with ESIM manager support. Hope it comes soon :smiley:

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  1. SSH to execute, to check if the battery situation and mcu API ok:
ubus call mcu status
curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"call","params":["","system","get_info"]}'
  1. Take screenshot when it disappeared (only battery disappear but temperature still there?) or share the router with us via the GoodCloud.

  2. Change others browser.

  3. The latest beta version v4.7.1 (25 Nov) has been integrated into esim. Please confirm whether the sim card you inserted is an esim card.

root@k-pax:~# curl -k -H 'glinet: 1' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"call","params":["","system","get_info"]}'
{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"mac":"94:83:C4:A3:45:54","sn"...","firmware_date":"2024-11-25 22:01:55","vendor":"GL.iNet","model":"xe3000","ddns":"at34554","hardware_version":"","country_code":"DE","sn_bak":"...","firmware_type":"beta6","hidden_features":,"board_info":{"architecture":"ARMv8 Processor rev 4","hostname":"k-pax","model":"GL.iNet GL-XE3000","kernel_version":"5.4.211","openwrt_version":"OpenWrt 21.02-SNAPSHOT r15812+906-46b6ee7ffc"},"software_feature":{"ksmbd":false,"tor":true,"cellular_upgrade":true,"ipv6":true,"passthrough":false,"nas":true,"vpn":true,"adguard":true,"repeater_eap":false,"ids_ips":false,"sms_forward":true,"secondwan":true,"bark":false,"mlo":false},"hardware_feature":{"noled":false,"rs485":false,"gps":false,"bluetooth":false,"lan":"eth1","hwnat":true,"modem_reset":0,"nowds":false,"nand":false,"radio":"mt798111 mt798112","switch_button":"","reset_button":"gpio-456","usb_reset":"","wan":"eth0","fan":true,"esim_support":false,"submodel":"","mcu":true,"microsd":"","slot":"dual","build_in_modem":"0001:01:00.0,1-1.2","usb":"1-1.3"},"firmware_version":"4.7.1"}}

The same issue under Firefox browser.

root@k-pax:~# ubus call mcu status
Command failed: Not found

ESIM is supported, but I thought that we get the ESIM manager for the new firmware. That is still missing.


After reboot I see the battery display...:grin:

The stable standard firmware has not esim manager, it only in the special esim firmware, since this feature still in beta stage.

We need to check the ubus:
ubus list

Or please share the router with us via the GoodCloud when the battery info disappears

Could you please execute this command in the background and post the result?

curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"method": "prod"}'  http://localhost:3456/sdk/v1

By the way, is your physical esim card bought from webbing?
Webbing physical esim card is not compatible with our program, so it's limited to show the esim management.It's recommended to buy physical esim card on our esim store.

I use an ESIM ordered from GL Inet Shop. This ESIM is supported by the ESIM manager on my GL-E750/GL-E750V2 Mudi device. So, there is nothing wrong with this ESIM card.

Hi Bruce
ubus call mcu status gives me an output if the battery status indicator is in place. Otherwise not.

ubus call mcu status
"temperature": 30,
"charge_cnt": 14,
"charge_percent": 30,
"charging_status": 0

If esim manager still no show, please share the router with us via Goodcloud

Thank you.

We have realized the cause of the issue, updated the codes, and will release the improved version as soon as possible.

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I found another bug. SMS send are not possible with the new gl xe3000 firmware from 25.11.2024.

Sorry :innocent:


good news. When I put the eSIM into slot 1 I see the eSIM-Manger. It doesn't work, when the eSIM is in slot 2.


is the SMS related to the eSIM? The most eSIM does not support SMS feature, only the normal SIM.

SIM slot 2 is same as the SIM slot1.
If the eSIM is inserted to the slot2, it need to change the SIM card to card 2 on the GL GUI -> Internet -> Cellular management.

SMS is Not working for me either. Running 4.7.1 from 18 december
I have a Vodafone sim in sim Slot 2
Also: eSIM Management is visible on PC but Not on IOS. ESIM (eiotclub eSIM directly from gl-iNet Store) however is Not recognized when entered in simslot 1.
Everything Else is more or less ok (only thing is that Client List on PC Looks different to Client list on iOS)

Mobile APP has not supported the eSIM feature.

When the work slots swap to SIM2 (Vodafone), does the SMS work?