List of current feature requests 2022

This makes things too complicated.

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hello, multiple simultaneous vpn connections with load balancing between them would be nice to have


I would agree. We need policy based routing. So I can send traffic via multiple wg-client tunnels and OVPN.

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Yes please do this omg this world e awesome then i can cut my raspberry pi out of the loop and i can access all my devices from my phone without always being on a vpn.

Would it be possible to monitor Data usage data through the LTE Modem (SIM card usage).

I have done a search, but can’t see anything mentioned other than this thread.

I would also appreciate more detail and control of data usage. Right now, it does show upload and download data for the modem and for VPN, but I think these currently reset when the connection resets. Would be nice to have a total that the user can reset or can configure in different ways.

Also, it would be nice to get 5G modems in the SIM card routers this year or next year. Hopefully a good global modem with good speeds for all regions.

Have you tried to install vnstat? I use vnstat2 on my Asus routers, and I have vnstat1 installed on my Mango. That shows daily, monthly and all time usage under the Status tab of Luci.

We need a new home UI. Something with a wan usage graph, maybe uptime, memory, etc.

@elorimer Thank you for that, I will give it a go and so how it can be applied to this use case.

For clarity, my Provider allows me xGB of data over a defined period. Ideally, it would be nice if a countdown could show how much data is left for that period. Or, more basically, a count of the actual data used over the period versus the amount of data available. The period start and end times being definable.

EDIT: SMS/eMail sent as a warning at a threshold/daily

You might start a new thread for this. Vnstat allows you to set the start date but I think is limited to a monthly period, and can show you how much you have remaining whenever you update the database. So basically you want:

  • A script that runs on a chron daily
  • updates the vnstat database
  • wraps the report in an email and sends the email
  • backs up the database to a non-volatile place to preserve it across reboots. (But not often.)

All that seems doable to me.

Please make it possible to have multiple OpenVPN tunnels open and to assign them to certain devices.

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Agreed. We need routing policy in general for any connection. Like multi wan and multi VPN. We need to be able to route traffic.


How about fall over or fail safe feature between different connection types, Cable (WLAN), 3G/4G Modem, Tethering (with Mobile Phone) and Wifi Hotspot, Dovado is the only brand modem i know does this natively wirhin there software


Great products with gl-inet havent looked vack since my first purchase, certainly a device with lots of features

Isn’t the failover there already. Although not configuration.
cable > repeater > tethering > modem


You can also easily change the failover prioritiesby editing /etc/config/network

You’ll find there is a “option metric” for each interface. The values should be 10, 20, 30, 40. The lower the number the higher the priority.

config interface ‘wan’
option ifname ‘eth0’
option hostname ‘GL-B2200-cb0’
option ipv6 ‘0’
option metric '10’
option proto ‘pppoe’
option username ‘’
option password ‘xxxxxxxxx’
option disabled ‘0’
option peerdns ‘1’


This is more for home use, but I would really like to see a “quarantine area” built. Where new devices joining the network get quarantined, and only released by the UI or App. This would be helpful for guest or kids network. :v::+1:t2:

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I like to see the client page updated to have a bandwidth graph and a quarantine feature. The latter is easier as there is already a block button, it would just need to be on by default for any new devices. :slight_smile:
Here is a mock I kind of created in paint.

Edit: I know the graph is part of goodcloud, but I’d like to see something local, off cloud.
Thank you.

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We will take a look and see what can we do @alzhao @radishman

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