List of current feature requests 2022


Are you thinking of supporting 2.5 Gbit Ethernet interfaces or better in any upcoming products?

Thank for the great travel routers!


Here a feature request suggestion:

About the switch on the AR300M etcā€¦
For now you can assign the switch for turn on/off openvpn or wireguard.

Can you make it so the we can turn on/off wifi ?

This whould make it easy at remote places to connect to the router set it up and turn wifi off since it is not needed anymore.

Just a thought.

You can turn off wifi from the Interface. The reason to use the switch button is to control the router without going to the UI, while you have the router at hand. But as you said the router is at remote side so you do not need to turn on/off wifi frequently. Doing it via the UI is OK.

Actually we have the button to turn on/off wifi in old firmware version. But this causes confusion and eventually we removed it. For example, if a user accidently move the button and the wifi is not out, it may takes a lot of time to find out the reason.

Fix AdGuard. Currently queries are being directed through dnsmasq and thus it doesnā€™t allow and doesnā€™t show per client configuration and stats.

You can replace dnsmasq (DHCP + DNS) with odhcpd (DHCP) and unbound (DNS) making it easier to use AdGuard directly. No reason to use a troublesome monolith.


Just do the port forward trick :+1:t2:. My Adguard shows my clients fine.

That would be easier than what I did. :grin:

Bought my first GL-iNet device ā€“ Flint. Received it and was highly disappointed with OpenWRT 15.05 preinstalled. I saw many threads asking for the more recent OpenWRT version, but no any ETAs at all. I am going to put it on shelf :frowning: @alzhao are there any plans to release it at least in this year?

Earlier I recommended policy based routing should be implemented. Here is a helpful link to the package. I would love to be able to route Google out a different wireguard tunnel.

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Yes! AX1800 will support Openwrt 21.x within this year. Likely around this summer.


Cool, will wait! Thanks for the answer.

Will it still have Gl-iNet web gui and underlying linux will be Opnewrt 21.x ?

It still has GL.iNet web UI and the underlying Linux will be OpenWrt 21.02, but the kernel is 4.4.60, same as the current one. I mean GL-AX1800.


Will it be Web UI4? Looking forward to UI4.

Iā€™have the Puli X300 , it would be nice to have the option to configure the device in bridge lte mode, as Mikrotik and Netgear devices (

This would avoid another nat level if used not as main router.

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I am not sure if LTE can work in bridge mode. Technically it is easy. Just make a bridge of the LTE and LAN. But it requires the carrier network can issue you multiple IP addresses.

We are working on IP passthrough mode. Does this work for you?

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Yes, as described here ?

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Yes. We are testing this and will put this function in our standard firmware once done.


Please remove the ā€œModem Resetā€ at the main ā€œInternet > Modemā€ panel. Everytime I go to click ā€œAT Commandsā€ or ā€œCells Infoā€ I click it by accident and it takes long when my modem resets.

Also change the ā€œCells infoā€ to match the tower info from Cellmapper"


It would not be bad to see an analogue of VPN policies for Tor

Tor via VPN, VPN via Tor

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Sorry for the dup post but I found the official feature request thread after my previous post.

I think a killer feature that no one else has, is the option to proxy via the router configuration page to a captive portal via an iframe (or some other mechanism like a remote renderer on an HTML5 canvasā€¦ maybe flutter for web can do something here).

If you google all of the pain and multiple steps required for captive portals (mess with dns, etc), and since the primary use/case is a travel router, this would make a lot of peopleā€™s lives much easier.
I mean, itā€™s at least half a dozen steps jumping across multiple screens and devices when I use my 750 to deal with hotel captive portals.

No one else has this and with the growing awareness of how evil public wifi is, I think the more usable you can make this, the more likelihood you could get much larger adoption of your products.