List of current feature requests 2023

Well good news, it seems! GL mentioned just 5 hours ago they’re building a 4.x for the Mango (GL-MT300N)… which was released, what, around 2017?:

… which is striking given what’s listed on

Great then! Still not the biggest fan of openwrt being seemingly stuck on 18.06 for my Opal, but I guess it’s fine as long as GL keeps updating it with patches and such

Then you’ll be happy to know GL f/w 4.2.1-release4, the current stable, is based on OpenWrt 21.02-SNAPSHOT. Their version 4.3 is mentioned to be based on owrt 22.0x.

They seem to be once release behind Upstream. I can live with that. YMMV.

Well, I’m currently on 4.3.2-beta1, it’s still 18.06. Seems like the version scheme doesn’t entirely correlate with OpenWRT releases haha

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Huh; well then… I guess that’s what I get for making an assumption of myself. I am corrected.

Hey, check this out fr GL re: Mango firmware:

The Mango is an MTK7620-based device, very well supported by even the official branch of OpenWRT. The SiFlower/SiChang SoC the Opal uses might as well be completely proprietary, there is an SDK but nobody really knows how to use it. Except GL.

As for Tailscale, it’s not looking good by GL’s vague response of “hardware limitations”. This is a very generic write-off. And I doubt it’s truly hardware limited, rather it’s limited because Golang wont directly compile for it :smiling_face_with_tear:

Damn; when you put it like that… the news re: Mango’s age & f/w still being developed for it isn’t as exciting give the circumstances w/ Opal.

Well, it ain’t Tailscale but are you up to self hosting/VPS hosting an install of Firezone?

simple one add Watchcat within the interface, so wifi reboots if no internet

“Hardware limitations” say what? Now I have to figure out how to compress it. UPX seems to make it segfault.

Some relevant info might be here, 19.07-related:

I got it, but the binary is 30MB, because with UPX it refuses to launch 2 instances of itself, so we’re stuck at 30MB. I will write a guide, maybe someone can improve or put it in a nice tar or opkg package.

Geezus! My Slate AX currently only has 40.2 MB free! Why don’t you touch base w/ LanRat & see if there’s any tips they can pass along?

I don’t know who that is, but here’s the guide, let me know if you try it or if anyone has any improvements:

Installing Tailscale on Opal (SiFlower)

(big font for visibility haha)

I’m assuming it’s their screen name:

Made an issue, maybe they can make a script to automate the build/strip/compress process. One idea I have is compiling 2 binaries and compressing them individually since the segfault issue is with running 2 “instances” of the same upx-compressed binary. One at a time works for me.

Good news! Seems like they added the arch to their repo, and it works. Just installed it from opkg, it auto-launched the daemon and setting up tailscale according to the openwrt wiki works almost perfectly with the exception of using it as an exit node.

The binary is however still uncompressed and almost 30MB in size, which is not very good for small devices. As for ram usage, it uses somewhere like 20.5 MB. About equal to my adguard home config with under 100k rules. I’m left with around 5-8MB free, which is not great, but manageable.

I recently had trouble connecting to a Hotel wifi captive portal. After some searching I determined it was due to DNS rebinding protection being on by default.

I think that’s a totally reasonable and secure default to set. However, since the web UI shows if an internet connection is working, it would be good if it could offer more troubleshooting options directly when the internet is not reachable. For example, perhaps there could be a “troubleshooting” page that surfaces options for disabling DNS rebinding and any other similar settings.

A step up would be to tie this to specific SSIDs for wireless networks or based on the remote MAC address of the WAN port default gateway. That way, I could leave DNS rebinding protection on in general but disable it on known-bad networks.



Request: Wake-on-LAN GUI (and integration in the mobile apps)

It’s a small binary with minimal settings - just MAC addresses. You could do multiple profiles to add support for waking multiple PCs. wakeonlan is already present in the default repos


I don’t think their target market is going to even know, much less care, about WoL. My understanding there’s already phone apps so fire out such packet(s):