List of current feature requests 2023

It is there is you need it. Get to LuCI and install luci-app-upnp and it will drag in everything else as dependencies. You will get a new “Services” top level menu item with UPnP as the only item.

It might be nice if it were supported in the GL-iNet UI but it isn’t something that needs a lot of attention post install so meh.

Edit Hosts” page available for individual Clients when “Override DNS Settings for All Clients” is Disabled
This “Edit Hosts” page can be option in Admin Panel > Clients > Action.

Another feature I want is Custom names set on “Clients” page automatically synced with Adguard (so users see names instead of IP addresses).

It is, but the UI and backend is not.

It seems like only a few guys in China managed to get Docker to run on GL.iNet devices.

Could you please make preinstalled docker in firmware image available for upgrade as an option, along side image files without docker. For example, one of a router competitor has something like this:

rk3568-eflasher-ffffffwrt-22.03-docker-YYYYMMDD.img.gz Fffffff
Pre-installed Docker
Based on OpenWrt 22.03
Kernel version 5.10.y

which allows easy installation of Nextcloud in a couple of lines if a user had flashed the right image, for example

5.17.2 Work with Docker: Install Personal Nextcloud

mkdir /nextcloud -p docker run -d -p 8888:80 --name nextcloud -v /nextcloud/:/var/www/html/ --restart=always --privileged=true arm64v8/nextcloud

Thank you.

Do you know why the UI and backend are not? What prevents GL.inet to open those parts?

Hi, with Quectel modems it’s possible to do 4G/5G band and cell site locking - are there any plans to implement this please?

We are researching solutions. If a solution works, this feature will come soon.

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Is it possible to have a setting on the MAC address settings page to generate a new random MAC address every x minutes or xx MB? Even in 2023 it is still common to have a timebased or volume based limit at certain locations. Or maybe even have a setting per SSID to be able to automatically use it when I am in this SSID.

At the moment I am doing this with a script, but it would be nice to be able to configure it in the GUI.


I use a VPN on main wifi network and have guest network setup to not go thru the VPN. I do this because I have some devices that are always on VPN, and some that are not. Access to the router gui is not possible from the guest network. Can you add an option in the global VPN setting tab to allow gui access from the guest network?

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4.2.1-release4 doesn’t feature a way to select my added confs (.toml for dnscrypt-proxy2, .yml for stubby) for Encrypted DNS unless I drop to SSH, symlink, restart the daemon. I’d like to request an augmentation to the GUI that makes it as easy to select them as the preloaded/preconfigured ones are.

I don’t use NextDNS, AdGuard, Cloudlare as I instead run a different service for DoT/DoH/DNSCrypt.

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4.2.1-release4 allows a VPN policy to route thru the VPN based on the device(s) MAC instead of the default Global Proxy. Its button is found under the VPN Dashboard of the GL-iNet GUI. I have yet to test it myself but have found the 3.2x release to do exactly what I expected when using similar policies.

That might help w/ your scenario.

I’d like to suggest removing Cloudflare, Cisco’s OpenDNS IPv4s in Multi-WAN IP tracking for Quad9’s as the defaults to help increase privacy for new users.,

Quad9 has terrible ping/response time. I wouldn’t use them at all.

I prioritize privacy over performance & I’m sure others do too. A couple of hundred ms isn’t going to make a difference when wan/eth’s default track interval is 5000.


I like my web snappy, and I use quad9 for DNS over TLS - while I do notice it’s perceptibly a little slower than running my own resolver, it’s not enough to annoy me.

YMMV depending where in the world you are located.


There’s a noticeable touch of lag where I am but that’s due to DNS requests being shunted to a nearby country. I prefer Quad9 because they’re Swiss based (far better legal protection), non-profit & they state they don’t log at all while Cloudflare holds logs for 25 hrs. Anonymized or not, I’m not excited about that premise.

YMMV, indeed.

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I would love to see a Cirrus AX. In my ideal world it would be a Cirrus shaped Beryl AX with a PoE WAN port for around $120 USD.

Cirrus AX GL-AP3000, wouldn’t that be something? that said, I’m not sure if a whole new product counts as a feature request.

Cirrus is used as AP normally, could you let us know your usage of such product?

The processing power of the mediatek chip is overkill, but not unwelcome.

I would plan to use it as an AP. I am the IT director for a healthcare agency and I’d like to replace our Ubiquiti APs with GL-iNet ones but Cirrus is a step down a little further than I’d like. I would want better wifi performance.

The ideal main features I would want are:

  1. PoE to power the device without needing an outlet
  2. 4x4 wifi antennae for better multi-device connectivity
  3. Hardware acceleration
  4. (Optional added bonus) a lan port for daisy-chaining and possibly PoE passthrough. I believe you could get at least two PoE+ APs from one PoE++ port.
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Thanks for your valuable feedback.

Besides the hardware configuration, what’s the important features we should add on the Cloud to manage these APs?

Could you let us know the reason you replace the Ubiquiti AP? And which Ubiquiti AP model we’d better to refer to?