Need some support, today I installed for the first time the router, in the morning I could connect normally into wifi, but after one or two hours all my devices were disconnected, I have tried to connect again and I get messages like “couldn’t connect to network” or “couldn’t obtain IP”, I have already executed factory reset and still the same issue,
Thanks, I downgraded to 4.5.3, and now it is working, but to be honest, I think I will sell it, I preferred to keep using my Brume 2500 + Wifi Mesh in the house. I didn’t like the MT6000 so far, no improvements in terms of software, still old Aguard home, and the same problems like VPN policies.
But to be honest: It’s not needed. It’s not like the new version will change anything dramatically.
Just stick with the pre-installed one if you don’t feel like you should mess around using SSH.