New firmware version 4.6 being released for beta testing

I didn't understand what you meant. The config file you downloaded from azirevpn doesn't have interface. maybe you can upload a couple of screenshots?

Thanks for your feedback.
4.6.1 mainly fixes some external cellular modem and VPN related bugs, no feature changes, and it has not completed a full round of testing yet. If you didn't encounter these bugs in 4.6.0, you can stay in 4.6.0.

It looks like this would be an issue with the open source version of the firmware. The open source version is a bit slower to test at the moment. Thanks for the feedback, we'll focus on that.
4.6.0 beta3 We have tested without this issue.

It's already fixed in 4.6, and other models that haven't been upgraded to 4.6 are preparing to release fixes (4.4.9 / 4.3.17 / 4.5.17).

We really should describe this in the release note.
A word of caution though. Your link is not a release note, that's just for the new features. All the fixes won't be there. release note is available on the download page of each firmware. GL.iNet download center

Did you enable the AdGuard Home Handle Client Requests option?
Are you using 4.6.1 or 4.6.0? 4.6.1 may have bugs.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure these are fixed.
It's coming up for release1 testing soon…

By all means. Using the Gl-inet gui it'll prompt for user/pwd for the Azirevpn account info - which is good. I'm assuming then Azirevpn uses this info to set my privatekey and address unique to my account. Gl-inet then downloads that info via some api. This all worked great in firmware 4.5.16. Oh. that privatekey and address goes in the [Interface] section of the wireguard config file.

Here's one config file chosen at random that was downloaded by the Gl-inet gui:

Notice the blank area above [Peer]. This is where the [Interface] section should be. Make any sense? Given this worked fine in firmware 4.5.15 i'm guessing something changed on your side rather than on the Azirevpn side - but that's not necessarily guaranteed - they could have coincidentally changed something too.

Hi, I'm using release 4.6.0 and I have the same problem with both AdGuard Home Handle Client Requests enabled and disabled.

It does look like Bug ......
Snapshots are usually just used to validate commits of some specific code, and may contain a bit of untested bugs. You can just use the official version of 4.6.0 without much functional difference.

When it will be released for X750v2 (Spitz)?

I reached peace of mind with 4.6.0-op24 from 2024-06-07 :smile:
9 days of router up with no problems for the Flint 2 while for the Beryl AX the only problem is the toogle that doesn't work to enable/disable the Wireguard VPN

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Did you enable the VPN client and disable Allow Custom DNS to Override VPN DNS? This will cause the client device to not send DNS requests to Adguard Home.

No clear timeline for the other models yet.

I installed 4.6.0-op24, working good (Flint 2) I really hope they make it main version, we want stability but I personally never had a major issue when the open source version was the main one, only had one which I already talked about, never forget the open source version @yuxin.zou :wink:

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I have not configured the VPN Client but I have enabled Allow Custom DNS to Override VPN DNS, disabling it now works.
Tanks for your support

4.6.1 20.06.2024 Adguard works fine now again :+1:

But, is it normal that when i use more than the default add Lists via Adguard, that Adguard Stock/Freeze?
It means Adguard after that is not available and loadtime than takes about 5min.Because it freeze, there is no Internet Connection than of course because no DNS found. After that time about 5min, it works, but sometimes adguard freeze again. That only happens if i insert a Costum List with more Block Lists.
Of course same format for Adguard and not pihole or something else. May i should here contact the Adguard Support for this issue?
This Issue exists also on older Firmware Versions, stable

Same with my testing of 4.6.0-op24. Very stable except for the Toggle switch not working at all.

A record for me on the Flint 2 with 4.6.0-op24-0607. Will take a huge amount to convince me to change to a any other version:


Try using admons script for updating AdGuard.

Why was 4.6.0 removed from Brume 2, it was shown as stable

It was shown as stable release the past days for Brume 2 here:

But it is not here anymore. It was removed yesterday: GL.iNet download center