New firmware version 4.6 being released for beta testing

We added it to the AXT1800. But they don't believe it. You can search the forum and there are many requests to change the fan startup threshold.


somewhere I read there was a new setting which remembers the status of services for each boot.

Eg if vpn was off then you rebooted the vpn should be off and not on.

Do we have a way to control this?

That's already the case. If you disable a service, it keeps disabled.

gotcha, is there we can always have to have the VPN turned on?

For some reason my vpn client was off but I don't remember turning it off

By not disabling it. Tadaaaa :tada:

I don't recall doing so, if the server disconnects imo it's worth having the option to try and reconnect

Spoken for WireGuard there is no "disconnect" - so you can't retry.
WireGuard works or it does not.

While upgrading, i chose options to keep settings in all previous upgrades

I think the last best stable firmware was 4.4x. After 4.5 upgrade, everything started getting messed :smiley: starting with DHCP,... It maybe possible that "Keep settings" part of firmware has bugs :face_vomiting:

I updated to latest Beta without keeping settings,.. (full RESET). Here are my findings,...

Internet working when devices added and removed from VPN (based on Device MAC)
Device once added to VPN, doesn't show up in AdGuard logs individually (obviously Allow Custom DNS to Override VPN DNS is ENABLED)
DHCP so far no longer assigning Random addresses (thus far)
PORTs are open for devices with Rules BUT Disabled for DMZ'ed device

I see VPN'ed device listed as localhost, meaning all VPN'ed devices will show as localhost as 1 device? (

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Can you describe this in detail?

This means that all client devices using the VPN are forwarding DNS requests locally and not directly to AdGuard Home. we will check this out. Which firmware are you installing?

4.6.0-op24 being rock solid for my use, but I know some have a few issues that need to be iron, any new version cooking or op24 it's on the back burner for the time been? :thinking:


Since firmware 4.6 has implemented independent configuration of VPN DNS (i.e., Allow Custom DNS to Override VPN DNS), we redirect the DNS query through VPN into a separate process and put AdGuardhome as upstream of it. This is a safer mechanism: the VPN dnsmasq process runs when VPN connection is established and exits when disconnected.

When "AdGuard Home Handle Client Requests" is turned on, the "AdGuard Home will show DNS query logs by client" function is affected in the following modes:

  • Global Proxy
  • Based on the Target Domain or IP - Do Not Use VPN
  • Based on the Client Device, for the clients use VPN
  • Based on the VLAN, for the VLAN that uses VPN

The following part is not affected:

  • Based on the Target Domain or IP - Use VPN
  • Based on the Client Device, for the clients not use VPN
  • Based on the VLAN, for the clients not use VPN

Do you mean to assign a random IP address to the same device every time?

@yuxin.zou @alzhao
Friendly ping! :smiley:

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Earlier, after firmware upgrades with "Keep Settings", All my port forwarding rules were Not working. Even after enabling DMZ, it would Not work. (see old post)

Now, after Not keeping settings while upgrading firmware, All my port forwarding rules appear working (as I see traffic in the clients page). After Enabling DMZ on my NAS device,.. all port tests (on NAS) show Failed (meaning, Ports are all closed on NAS while DMZ is Enabled)

When I last upgraded from Firmware 4.4x with "Keep Settings",.. DHCP randomly started assigning different IP addresses to existing devices outside of DHCP reserved range (see this thread)

my settings was: (manually changed router IP) - (Manually Set DHCP range) (121,122,123,124 etc had Reserved IPs)

However, after upgrade, some devices which had reserved IPs started getting new IPs,, etc,... (which was Not right and also, these devices couldn't access internet).

So Now, after Not keeping settings while upgrading,.. DHCP is working normally thus far (not like before,.. randomly assigning addresses mentioned above)

All this means,.. there are bugs in "Keep Settings" somewhere after 4.4x firmwares?

I'm using 4.6.2 Beta dated 2024-06-27

though,.. I see new Beta dated 2024-06-29 now without release notes,..

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I too want to know what the differences are and when eventually 4.6.x will go stable. I'm so close to putting my flint 2 as my main router.

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It has no plans to switch to the Native OpenWrt version yet…

Is this on Flint or another device? I'm tempted to switch back but given it's a daily driver, I want something mostly stable. Last I used it, Wifi performance was much better, so that is a big selling point for me to switch.

Sorry, I didn't reproduce with follow steps:

  1. downgraded tov4.4.5, and reserved for my PC

  2. after upgrade to v4.6.2 with "Keep Settings", my PC got IP which is reserved

  3. another PC which has no reserved ip also got IP inside DHCP range

all the clients can access internet normally