New firmware version 4.6 being released for beta testing

Something weird is going on with the Brume2 4.6.1 firmware availability. My Brume2 prompted me to update this morning (6/25/2024) to 4.6.1 in the GUI and 4.6.1 was indeed shown as the current stable release on the firmware download page. Now it is not showing available again. It did download and install 4.6.1 through the GUI.

It got pulled. Some people seem to know why but no official post with an explanation that I can see. I too upgraded.

Yes, but it was pulled before this morning IIRC. I could be wrong on that, but I was pretty sure it was previously available, then pulled, then it was posted again this morning, then pulled again. Maybe I am imagining it lol.

It got pulled that much that it just shattered into oblivion never to be seen again.

Hello, my Beryl-Ax mt-3000 did an auto-update this morning and the VPN client stopped working.. I've tried using the previous version 4-5.16 and it is doing the same thing as the 4-6.x version. I am using it with the repeater function and connecting to a wireguard vpn.
Here is some of the output while starting up the vpn:
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (23102): * Running script '/etc/'
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (23102): Failed to parse json data: unexpected character
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (23102): uci: Entry not found
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (23102): cat: can't open '/tmp/run/wg_resolved_ip': No such file or directory
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is now down
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is setting up now
Sat Mar 30 04:46:22 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()

In short, 4.6.0 for brume2 had an adg unavailability issue for users in certain timezones. 4.6.1 had a possible leak in certain scenarios. So we had to pull them.

We don't want it to happen either ...... :disappointed_relieved: but pulling immediate it down to be laughed at is better than more users experiencing problems.


any progress on resolving the bug?
because if you updated to version 4.6.0, which was released and then removed, the DDNS mode changed and will not work in version 4.5.8
It will only work if I send you the serial for you to add to the exception.

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Why was firmware 4.6.1 AGAIN removed from Brume 2 !? after it was published the last 2 days as stable? what issue now?

I also got this after updating to 4.6.1:


Even I was not using tethering before updating and no tether device connected.

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We don't want it to happen either ...... :disappointed_relieved: but pulling immediate it down to be laughed at is better than more users experiencing problems.

Rest assured @yuxin.zou, I was not laughing at you guys. I actually figured it may have been a load balancer issue pointing at an outdated web server. I am a strong supporter!

If you need a set of Brume 2 mt2500 testers, there's enough mt2500 owners here for our own thread, and we don't have wireless to worry about.


We've found the cause ...... should be able to take care of it soon.

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There are issues when using a VPN and Adguard Home at the same time. If you don't use Adguard Home, you can ignore it.

Thanks for the feedback, we'll check this out.

We would like to receive feedback from users in different environments.
If you'd like to help us test it, turn on the preview update alert or download the beta from the Download Center.

Have you connected to tethering at least once before?
In older firmware versions, the service would remain enabled after a connection, so that it could continue to be used when the user connected again. the option to disable the service is only available in version 4.6.

@yuxin.zou current op24 for MT3000 is pretty rock solid, using vpn, adguard, repeater on DFS channels, haven't noticed any issues :+1: , but sure you had time to do some fine tuning and want to release an update! :grinning:

@yuxin.zou @alzhao

What is the status with GL-AXT1800?

Are there any plans to migrate to newer OpenWrt? It's still your flagship portable router, but as it stands, MT3000 is now much better with op24.

Are you following qualcommax: ipq60xx: add GL.iNet GL-AX1800/AXT1800 support by aiamadeus · Pull Request #14950 · openwrt/openwrt · GitHub ?

And there are a couple of builds in the wild, am running this on an AXT1800.


I'd happily test anything you send me, but I see op24 for the MT2500 is not available?

What is normal mode though? Why just not add warning that it s normal temperature?

Turns out you meant the native openwrt version… but we are no plans for an op24 version for Brume 2 yet.
:rofl: There are a bunch of other models waiting to be upgraded. We can't add more to the list of plans.

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