New firmware version 4.7 being released for beta testing

@bruce I have 4.7 on the Flint 2 and the ‘Enable VLAN Filtering’ checkbox is confusing to me. I think this is related to what @miraben was discussing earlier in this thread about VLAN filtering.

Whenever I edit the ‘br-lan’ interface that has some VLANs configured, it automatically puts a checkmark in the ‘Enable VLAN Filtering’ box for the bridge device. When I apply the changes with the checkbox checked, it kills the br-lan network and I have to wait 90 seconds for the changes to be reverted. If I uncheck the box, then changes are applied and the bridge and VLANs work normally.

I created another bridge and network static IP interfaces with DHCP enabled to test things out, and when the checkmark is checked (which it seems to do by default), then the /etc/config/network file does not show the (option vlan_filtering '0') on the bridge device config, and both the bridge and VLANs do not work at all. But when the checkmark is NOT checked, it then adds the (option vlan_filtering '0') to the bridge device config in the /etc/config/network file, and the bridge and VLANs work just fine.

Is this normal?

hmm, i guess it is normal, on a openwrt snapshot without the gl software, i believe the default value is also 0 when unchecked but it gets removed entirely as uci node, still same result.

For the 90 seconds delay... is the generated vlan 1 used on the lan interface as br-lan.1 ?

If not then it is normal it breaks.

Also it isn't recommended to use other bridge devices with bridge vlans from a concurrent bridge, like: creating br-wlan with br-lan.50 in it, instead i went with this:

added the phy1-ap0 and phy0-ap0 into the br-lan, and from there i untagged the default vlans.

The mixing of concurrent bridge devices could cause unwanted and undocumented symptoms, it's also how well DSA has been implemented, but on the OpenWrt forums they advise to use not this type of setup.

Issue I've been having for a little while now. X3000 router when I enable vpn on the router, android devices with android 14 and above will not automatically connect to wifi. I get a notification about unsecure network and have to click "connect anyway", even though the network has been saved and "connect automatically" enabled. I have tested with v.4.4.13, beta 4.7.0 and recent beta 4.7.1. using surfshark with wireguard protocol. Once connected everything works fine, but wifi will not connect automatically because Android thinks it is unsecure. I have been all through the android settings and have not been able to disable this behavior.

Edit to add: I have a T-Mobile sim, AT&T sim, and a wan connection. Same behavior on all 3 connections.

WiFi security protocol, is the choice of WPA2 + WPA3?

I have tried with every protocol. Same problem.

try again and restart both - router and an mobile - sometimes the mobile keep the settings of the previous connected setting of wifi.

  1. Change the Protocol
  2. Reboot Router
    and while waiting ->
  3. Reboot Phone
  4. Try again

A client device smartphone/tablet/PC does not forget the settings of a wifi network, not even the settings of a year ago, until told to do so.

If the AP with that BSSID changed (like bandwidth or security setting) then the connection will fail, until that connection setup is erased from the client device.

Select the wifi setting topic "known networks" on the client device, select the "known" network and do action "FORGET"

"Forget network" is also the needed action for a EAP/Enterprise wifi, to be able to do a username/password change.

And there is yet another setting beside WPA2-WPA3 on security ciphers. (Not visible in the GUI, AFAIK). Where TKIP is considered to be unsecure.

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I've done this multiple times with no success

Hi, this is normal because only the RC (Release Candidate) and the release version can be shown as available for online upgrade.
Beta version can't show as available Online Upgrade.

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When your team update beta firmware for flint 1?

I’ve had 4.7.0 beta for AXT-1800 running for 21 days with no problems to report.

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Thanks...the RC showed up perfectly/normally...running w/out issue so far on Beryl. Nice work.

Hi, we will update this as soon as possible, maybe today.

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Are there some news about RCs or new betas over Marble B3000? Thanks.

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Hi, we have made a plan to upgrade B3000, we will upgrade it as soon as possible, please be patient.

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Does anyone else have exactly this firmware as shown in the picture (arrow)??? I'm looking for exactly the one that worked best for me.

For Flint 2

4.7.4 released last week is not working for you?

Unfortunately no, that's why I'm looking for the previous version.

Try to report the bug, because it seems a regression and it's easy to be fixed.

5ghz WiFi kept crashing. I'm temporarily back to 4.7 until I find the beta I'm looking for