SFT1200 Opal SQM (If a Dev could look at this it would help)

So I am wondering how this works. I have SQM CAKE/Piece of Cake enabled on my travel router and when I test my speed I get full speed mbps (600mbps) yet when I try testing my bufferbloat the mbps lowers for optimal latency and I was wondering if there was anyway to replicate that on another openwrt router or if that automatic toggle to change the sqm from on to off when needing quick packets is baked into the GL.iNet Software
I wanna understand what makes it automatically switch because that would be perfect for my main router so that I can stream 4K video and play video games at low latency



The SQM depends on the third-party pulgins, it can be implemented on any OpenWRT router as long as can be installed:

This is a related feature of plugins SQM that optimizes the queuing sequence of packets.

When I try SQM on 2 other routers with OpenWrt it tends to just limit my speed and yet on the GL.iNet Router it manages to automatically toggle itself when needed, going from high mbps when doing a regular speed test or streaming video and when gaming or doing a task that requires low latency it automatically switches to lower mbps for optimal latency

Is there a specific package that causes this? Or any way to set it up to work like the GL.iNet Router?

Also is this feature available on the other GL.iNet Routers? Like the Flint 2 and Beryl Travel Router?

Would the GL-B3000 Marble have the same kinda sqm config where it would automatically adjust itself from High mbps to low latency?

Not sure what you mean by that. Enabling SQM via Luci sticks. There is no auto toggling going on, it's rather on (working) or not.

Your screenshot doesn't make sense. Did you reboot the router and then do the speedtest.net test? If so then that could explain why the SQM didn't stick as such as on some firmware builds you need to re-enable SQM in luci after a reboot due to a bug. You should see the same results via both the bufferbloat and speedtest tests. Again, this is no switching going on when working correctly.

I can send a video if needed but I did both tests right after the other without any extra config

it somehow is able to just switch.

All I want is to understand how it automatically switches from low latency to higher mbps since that would work perfectly for my other routers

I've reset the router before and it always works like that which works greatly for me but idk what causes it

when I am downloading files it gives me my full speed and when I start playing games it automatically goes lower and gives me no bufferbloat

If you have set SQM to be around the 65+ Mbits for the download and applied then all your results should be the same.

There is no switching that should be happening. Your results from all speed test providers should be the same and that would / should be the speed cap you have enforced via the SQM

Well that's what I get when I use my other routers with OpenWrt but for some reason my GL.iNet router always works this way. It keeps the same speed capped but since I get 600mbps if I try to run SQM at that speed it gives me too much latency and yet the travel router is able to adjust it somehow

How have you capped the SQM? via Luci?

Yea I have my sqm set thru Luci

its on Cake/Piece of cake and no advanced settings
I am bamboozled on what causes it but it would be perfect for my other routers so that I could game at low latency and later be able to download or stream video with my full mbps. Its not just a visual thing either I get the speeds when downloading stuff and then I get lower speeds but lower latency when gaming on CS or other games that require sending packets quickly

Well if you are getting a worse bufferbloat rating you need to adjust the SQM below your ISP speed. What you need to do is get an average of your speeds and then take off 15% - 20% for the values. It's mainly the upload speed that effects the rating more so you need to dial that back, plus upload is what's used for gaming in most cases.

There should be no automatic switching, it's rather on or off. If your latency keeps increasing when doing the bufferbloat test then you need to dial your download and upload speeds down.

I guess you set the download to be around 65mbits to test? Or you either set the value without an extra zero which would have resulted in 650mbits...

Also you can just use cake with piece of cake.qos as the setting and reboot.

I did this just right now

I get low latency and low mbps and when I did the other speed test it was at full speed

Yeah well that makes zero sense. I'm guessing the tests are on two different devices?

I've just seen it's the same device. Are you doing the test one after the other or simultaneously? Make sure you do one test and then wait to do the next test.