Frustrating to find out these details after purchase!
Was a happy camper with GL-Inet previous products!
But since I bought many AXT-1800, then many MT-3000 , I check daily for FW snapshots hoping they fix the many issues.
Still have hope for a real travel router, with 2 wifi chips for real repeater functionality and full support of latest OpenWrt. And make it slimmer with a pro case, forget useless rounded edges, the Brume 2 has a great design!
It depends on the driver. If the firmware is using an OpenSource driver you will be able to change the MAC, if it’s an closed source driver from the chipset - then not.
I am not a developer and therefore cannot judge this. But yes, if it works on the guest network, it shouldn’t be a driver limitation - I would say. Unfortunately I don’t have Beryl here to test.
You’ll have to wait until someone from GL.iNet replies.
@meo I don’t quite understand why you are being so prickly. This is a community forum and I am not a GL.iNet employee. If you want to complain about the product, do it in an official place.
Apart from that: I’ve been doing networking for many, many years and I can’t think of a sensible (!) use-case for changing the BSSID. Sure, you could use it to imitate a WiFi network - but besides that, I’m not aware of anything that would have any relevance in the network environment. Please enlighten me with your opinion and your use case - if you like to.
I described how I tried to change the BSSID for the private 5GHz signal in my original post. The same procedure works for the guest 5GHz signal. Are you not able to reproduce the issue?