Unable to Login to LuCI on AXT1800 with Firmware 4.6.4


I'm encountering an issue with my AXT1800 router after updating to firmware version 4.6.4. I understand that this is a release candidate (RC) version and not a stable release, but I wanted to bring up a problem I've been facing.

After the update, I’m unable to log in to the LuCI web interface using the same password that works for SSH and the GL.iNet login page. I’ve analyzed the console and network traffic when attempting to log in via LuCI and noticed that the server responds with a 403 (Forbidden) error.

Here are the troubleshooting steps I've already tried:

  • Using different browsers
  • Clearing the browser cache
  • Rebooting the router

Just to make sure - you are using root as the username for Luci?

It's hosed. I loaded the 4.6.4 firmware through UBOOT. (FLINT1)
Went fine. Then set password through GL.inet GUI as normal...
Went to LUCI interface to sign in there...Could not login with the password I had just
set in GL.inet GUI. Reset the router and tried again setting password in GL.inet GUI.
Fine I could login to GL.inet GUI no problem. But again could not login to LUCI with
the newly set password. This was on a FLINT 1 router. (I use Snapshots on my FLINT 2).

Can you login using SSH by this password?

They pulled 4.6.4...Put mine back on 4.6.2 (And back in the box as a backup)...

Just to make sure - you are using root as the username for Luci?

@packetmonkey I confirm that I am using root as the username for LuCI.

Can you login using SSH by this password?

@admon Yes, as I mentioned in my first post, I can use the same password to log in to both the GL.iNet UI and SSH. However, it's not working for LuCI.

They pulled 4.6.4...Put mine back on 4.6.2 (And back in the box as a backup)...

@motox22a While I'm glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this issue, I need a version later than 4.6.2. That update fixed a serious iPhone tethering issue that I had debugged and reported here.

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Please try to change your password using passwd in SSH.

Thank you for your suggestion. I just tried changing the password using the passwd command via SSH. Unfortunately, the result remains the same. The SSH login password is updated, as is the password for accessing the GL.iNet web UI, but LuCI is still inaccessible, even with the new password.

Is your password special somehow? Very long, very strange chars, etc?

@admon No, the password is simple for testing purposes, consisting of two words with the first letter of each word capitalized and no special characters. I also tried changing the password from the GL.iNet interface and disabling "Prevent weak passwords" so that I could use "hello", but I didn't get a positive result.

cant also access luci
wireless tab in gl ui gives an error and does not show anything

also, while using rsync these two files causes errors:

root@GL-AXT1800:~# ls -l /etc/TZ
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep 3 06:35 /etc/TZ -> /tmp/TZ
root@GL-AXT1800:~# ls -l /etc/firmware_type
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 Jan 1 1970 /etc/firmware_type

That's totally weird.

Luci will just use PAM, I guess. So it does not have any way to save an own password.
I am not aware if there is a known bug in 4.6.4 (@bruce)

Could you do an reset of the router?
firstboot -y && reboot

How about after reset the firmware? :smiling_face_with_tear:

I just tried on my AXT1800 as well, I upgraded from 4.6.3 to 4.6.4.

I face the same issue -> LuCie does not accept root with my password that i have.

At the moment, unfortunately, I can't reset my device because I'm actively using it. However, it seems that @motox22a, a few messages up, mentioned that he tried to reset the device without success. This appears to be a widespread issue, as several people, including @motox22a, @manderss99, and @ocsack, are reporting that the problem is reproducible in this thread.

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Maybe that's why 4.6.4 was pulled. So downgrading might be the best you can do.

Regarding the 4.6.3 -> 4.6.4 Luci login issue, I have tried it in local:

In the 4.6.3, login Luci succeed:

Upgrade from the 4.6.3 stable to 4.6.4 beta with KEEP SETTINGS:

Upgrade complete:

In the 4.6.4, login Luci succeed:

What functions of GL/Luci did you enable?
How about after flash the same firmware version (with keep settings) one more again (not reset)?

Hi @bruce ,

I just tried version 4.6.4, which was released today, September 5th. The login to LuCi has been fixed; however, I’m sure that if you go to the "Wireless" section through the GL.iNet web UI, it will give you an error. For now, I’ve reverted to 4.6.3.

Hi, antonioag

What phenomenon did the WIRELESS in the v4.6.4? Seems work ok, available to change the parameters and the WiFi connection works.

Did you switch between op24 and the regular firmware, by chance?