Use GL-XE300C4 as modem only

I have a main router/firewall device that supports 2 WAN ports. I have a fixed cable internet as my main internet connection and I want to use the XE300 as my 2nd failover WAN connection, but without doing double NAT.
This is my use case.

When I go on holiday, I take the XE300C4 with me as a mobile wifi device and buy a local sim car into it. This way I can walk around and not have to buy 5 sim cards for the whole family. When I take it with me, I would put it back into normal router mode.


OK, got it, thank you very much!

@Hoff - do you know when the passthrough feature will make it to the production firmware?

We don’t make a plan for this function, this function may be added next year.

Hello team. Would you be kind enough to provide a refreshed 3.217 test firmware download including this IP Pass-through beta feature?

Model: GL-XE300 Puli

What is the location of this firmware? I tried downloading this and didn’t see the passthrough feature:

I’m also interested in using my puli for ip passthrough. I have unifi dream machine pro se which has my main cable internet connected to it. My goal is to use the puli with a cellular SIM card in it as a failover. Please let me know if this functionality is available or I need to test the beta firmware. I can test the beta firmware if available. Thank you

I am also interested in this feature for the GL-XE300 Puli :slight_smile:
Same use-case as others, I’d like to use as a failover without having to touch my main router configuration and I use multiple outbound IPs for multiple services

Same use case as from the folks above. Would love to have this feature implemented natively.

Sorry, no, I will give your requirement to our software product manager, I will help to push our team add this function. @kingsleyaddo @ayezutov

in advanced options i have found the lan option to set bridged mode , but i cant get it to work

what about it isn’t working?

GL - is there an updated timeline for XE300 support? is it at all possible through a current beta build, or are those old posts and it’s been more recently removed?

thank you