I couldn’t wait. So I SSH’d and edited /www/src/temple/attools/index.js
and I changed atlist:
on line 12 to this:
atlist: [{ 'msg': 'Manual command', 'item': '' }, { 'msg': 'Current Band Info', 'item': 'AT+QNWINFO'}, { 'msg': 'Current CA Info', 'item': 'AT+QCAINFO'}, { 'msg': 'Band Config', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band"' }, { 'msg': 'Force LTE Band 2', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band",0,2,1' }, { 'msg': 'Force LTE Band 4', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band",0,8,1' }, { 'msg': 'Force LTE Band 2+4', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band",0,a,1' }, { 'msg': 'Force LTE Band 12', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band",0,800,1' }, { 'msg': 'Force LTE Band 2+4+12', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band",0,80a,1' }, { 'msg': 'Reset LTE Bands', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="band",0,2000000003300185a,1' }, { 'msg': 'Request IMEI', 'item': 'AT+GSN' }, { 'msg': 'Request QCCID', 'item': 'AT+QCCID' }, { 'msg': 'Request IMSI', 'item': 'AT+CIMI' }, { 'msg': 'Check Signal Quality', 'item': 'AT+CSQ' }, { 'msg': 'Reset modem', 'item': 'AT&F0' }, { 'msg': 'Operator Names', 'item': 'AT+COPS?' }, { 'msg': 'Force LTE Only', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",3,1' }, { 'msg': 'Reset Scan Mode', 'item': 'AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",0,1' }],
This includes my favorite T-Mobile configs quickly change configs. Note, make sure you clear your browser cache to see the changes.