ZeroTier not connecting to GL-XE3000 (Puli AX)

Hello everyone! How many devices are connected to your ZeroTier network? If there aren’t many, try recreating the network and reconnecting to the newly created network on all devices.

Gladly, Admon! I’ve got work and a concert – somewhat unfortunately now haha – I have to go to starting in about half an hour, but that sounds like it might be beneficial. Glad to join.

Hi RRoommaann! I believe it’s only three that will need to be connected to ZT. Client Computer on backend, this router, and potentially my laptop. Last night when I had all feeds sent across the country with everyone working properly, and we were only connected to ZeroTier - I had all my devices from my switch, laptop, and I believe three cameras added as clients to my router in the GL.iNet admin page so they weren’t needed in the ZT Network, and only had to connect the router with the two computers on the ZT Network.

And that’s exactly what I did to start the process of connecting yesterday. And that is what I tried again today - twice now. No luck so far, but that is precisely what worked yesterday to get a connection again for a little bit. Curious if the cell phone service has anything to do with it?

Maybe we can arrange to talk on Discord tomorrow. Just write me there (admonstrator) then.

Sounds great, will do, and thanks. Where should I go to access the Discord/ask for an invite if necessary?

Couldn’t get in haha. Invite may be expired on that post just as a heads up:

Try this one please:

If you’re from a democratic country :grinning: and there are no restrictions from your provider, then there shouldn’t be any issues with cellular connectivity.

Try executing the following commands:

service zerotier stop

Then edit the file /etc/config/zerotier:

config zerotier 'gl'
        option wan_nat '0'
        option nat '0'
        option enabled '0'

Save the changes and reboot the router. After that, try to create a new network on Enter the new network ID in the WebUI of your router and connect to the network.

Before I saw this response I had actually deleted my two other networks that I had used previously, and kept the one that was most successful last night. Then I full reset my router, signed back in, auto-connected to the cell service, and have now tried the commands provided with these results:

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 1.03.08 PM

Also worth noting that I actually tried downloading nano based off your recommendations from the other forum post, and didn’t quite understand the process of editing the file, but would love to learn! Let me know what you think about the above responses, and if you think I should try to go ahead and connect ZT again in this current state?

Sorry, I just wasn’t precise enough. Try these steps:

  1. Install the nano text editor by entering the following command:
opkg update && opkg install nano
  1. Then stop the ZeroTier service with the command:
service zerotier stop
  1. Now edit the file /etc/config/zerotier by entering the command:
nano /etc/config/zerotier
  1. Delete all the content of the file and paste the following text:
config zerotier 'gl'
        option wan_nat '0'
        option nat '0'
        option enabled '0'
  1. Save the changes by pressing Ctrl + X, input Y, and press Enter button.

  2. Reboot the router.

  3. After the reboot, try creating a new network on

  4. Enter the new network identifier in the web interface and connect to the network.

On OpenWrt it’s needed to do opkg update always before installing something, not sure why.

So the command would be:

opkg update && opkg install nano

Left my IP Address on it. One second and I’ll try again.

More or less: I tried running that command without downloading nano on this computer I’m currently on, then I downloaded “The source code xzipped” from the nano site in the background of the screen shot, and re ran the command. The results are in the right bottom corner:

Also unfortunately late now so I have to run. I’ll pick back up as soon as I can, and thank you both so much!

Thanks @admon, you’re right

You don’t need to download anything to your computer. I forgot the opkg update command in the previous message. Everything is amended now, just follow the commands above.

beautiful. I got almost everything done perfectly until the “input y” portion. Downloaded, ran the etc through nano command, it opened nano for editing - but my router/SSH already showed literally that exact configuration that was asked to change to. I pressed ctrl x, and then didn’t quite understand “input y” so I just typed ‘y’ as my command, and it said “-ash -y: not found” – seen in pic --, so I tried everything again thinking maybe ‘y’ stood for ‘yes’, and when I go the “input y” part, I typed ‘yes’, and now it won’t stop auto populating the letter ‘y’…?

For reference - here’s what was seen when I ran nano /etc/config/zerotier:
Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 4.41.16 PM

wait… I terminated that terminal, tried it again, and it worked with an extra step in there that asked me to “input y”. Should be good now to reboot. Starting a new network and trying again - letcha know how it goes.

Been about 10 minutes and still waiting for it to connect. Every step has been followed and executed correctly with a new ZT Network created and added after the reboot. Fingers crossed the connection actually just takes this long. I’m just gunna give it… idk… half hour? An hour? My other successful connections definitely took a while, but I don’t recall if that was 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or more than that.