MT6000 2 NEW ISSUES - too high CPU load / both MT6000 stuck offline in GoodCloud
1 - Too high CPU load in Administration Panel chart
First a positive remark: in general my two MT6000 units are performing well, one with around 70 devices and one with up to 80, without any issues for any of the connected devices. No further reboots after changing to v4.5.4 and the Wifi issue I mentioned before (see my previous post) seems to be not happening with the second MT6000 (stable 5 GHz Wifi speed of about 500-600 MBbps at a few meters distance). Since I am using a high quantity of connected devices I regularly check the CPU avarage load chart (under System - Overview) and it always stays below 0.5 for both MT6000 units:
But a few days ago, while I was connected through WireGuard to one of my two MT6000 and checking for some other parameters, I suddenly noticed that the CPU average load chart showed a very high value: between 5 and 6!!! I did not notice any performance issues at that moment, while the CPU load remained stable at around 5.5 (which should never be possible with 4 Cores),so I forced a reboot and after that the CPU load was back again below 0.5, with the same device load as before, and I have not seen such a high value afterwards.
A few questions:
how is it possible to see a CPU average load of more than 4? Does it mean that the load was really more than 4 or could it be that the chart was giving wrong values?
is there any explanation to see suddenly such a high CPU load whereas at all other times the load remains under 0.5, with no change of work load or number of connected devices?
2 - Both MT6000 stuck offline in GoodCloud, no way to connect them again
When I tried to check the CPU load through the GL.iNet iOS app (latest version 2.4.4), to which I had previously connected my both MT6000 without any issues, I found that the MT6000 was suddenly shown offline on GoodCloud, whereas I was working on it through Wireguard and it was not offline at all. A reboot did not help and I tried several ways to get the router back to normal status in GoodCloud but nothing worked. And while disconnecting and attempting to reconnect my second MT6000, it also got stuck offline.
So for now I cannot use GoodCloud anymore for my 2 MT6000, whereas for my other GL.iNet routers I have no issues using GoodCloud. See below pictures for the offline signs next to my 2 MT6000 and the wrong message I get in GoodCloud that the router is offline:
On the GoodCloud page inside the Administarion Panel it is shown that the ‘device security key verification has failed’, and there is a link to ‘Rebind the Device’ (in blue). However, clicking on this link only opens a Whitelabel Error Page without any further results (see here below).
In the Goodcloud App there is a Re-Activate option but this only results in a red ‘Permission error’ message (see below). There is also a ‘Bind to Cloud’ switch, but moving this on and off does not help either. Finally it is written to ‘clear the GoodCloud Token or go to FAQ’ but nowhere I could find any further information on this…
As a result, my two final questions are:
how can I get my 2 MT6000 routers back into GoodCloud?
could these bugs be corrected so that in the future it will be possible to get our routers back in GoodCloud in a more convenient way when they have been disconnected?