Flint 2 (GL-MT6000 ) - bug reports - collective thread

good morning

Will a beta, rc or stable version of tmp 4.5.5 be released today? As you advised, a version would come out this week, correct?

in version 4.5.5?
This happened in 4.5.4 and 4.5.3, notebooks, cell phones, old devices, everything that was connected to WiFi.

I had some acquaintances here and it seems that the same problem doesn’t happen to them, I asked them to test it on 2.4 at 40hz and they get the maximum download and upload at 40hz.

but I only checked with 2 people, I can’t guarantee that there really isn’t a bug.

Hi Japa182,Yes,Will release a beta firmware in next two days.

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in fact the beta version for the mt6000 you launched today.



I saw that this version is “release 3” in relation to “release 1” which was released as a temporary version, which had more corrections?

because the changelog is the same as the previous one.

Today there are a new beta firmware published. It’s you talking about?

It is the same as temporary Ver1,mainly to solve the issue of wifi crash.

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Thank you for your effort in solving the problems with this incredible router,

any update on the 2.4ghz issue?

We still need time to investigate the issue of low 2.4G wifi speed. If we have any progress, I will provide the temporary firmware for your verification asap.


Yup, This is a beta firmware,and the stable firmware will be released in the next 1-2 weeks.


Yes, in version 4.5.5. (OpenWrt 23.05-SNAPSHOT, r23001+719-38c150612c)
Connection is very unstable on my laptop, I have to disable/enable Wifi several times a day.

old notebook?
Are you connected to 2.4?

There are several problems related to 2.4 on old and Android devices.

The MD5 of the “unreleased” 4.5.5 and “released” 4.5.5 were different so I think that the “released” one was much cleaner image.

Hello all,

I’m currently running v4.5.5 and everything seems fine!
I have a confusion in the firewall tab, I noticed this message, does the use of these combined packages(iptables and nftables) have any influence?

I believe this issue occurs because GL.iNet’s UI and some of it’s settings were originally designed around an older version of OpenWrt and they’ve failed to updated it for newer OpenWrt versions. And that’s also why LuCI displays the “network ifname configuration migration” screen the first time you attempt to view the interfaces.

If you check your firewall rules you’ll see a few that have the protocol listed as “tcpudp” and they’re highlighted red. Delete the text and then select TCP and UDP to see if that helps?

like here?

From what I remember the issue was mainly with the protocol setting, although it looks like LuCI isn’t happy about the destination port in your screenshot. Change it to 546-547 and I think it’ll accept it.

This is what it looks like when the protocol value isn’t valid.

That looks good, since the wan zone is supposed to be red.

and the second notification would be that GL.iNet does not have all the security rules set for the firewall

for example, I use ipv6 and do not pass this test Online IPv6 Port Scanner and Firewall Tester, I had to add rules.

If you use IPv6, add the following add the following lines to /etc/config/network and restart the network service:

config interface 'wan6'
	option device 'wan'
	option proto 'dhcpv6'
        option reqaddress 'try'
        option reqprefix 'auto'

and create a new rule in the firewall