Flint AX V4.1.0

If it was resolved, i wouldn’t be seeing this :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
“If you enable DMZ, your port forward and port open rules will not take effect.”

…unless, removal of this message was forgotten?

No. It is not yet resolved. That is what @yuxin.zou says.

ok,… :face_vomiting: i will continue to wait,…

My NAS needs either Port Forwarding or DMZ
My NVR needs either Port Forwarding or DMZ

:heart_eyes: It would be so cool if “Port Triggering” is implemented :heart_eyes_cat: This will solve so many future device and port related problems

Can you use port forwarding for your NAS and NVR now?

I could Not use NVR and NAS in your last firmware and in this firmware, I’ve Not tried (as already the page says “If you enable DMZ, your port forward and port open rules will not take effect”.

DMZ is already active on [Cop Router\NVR] ip address

NAS requires various open ports (as they’re giving many services) so I usually put it on DMZ while NVR requires few ports open (only when cops want to remotely view my area, some ports are needed to be open). Because of current situation,… I’ve chosen to put NVR on DMZ (as cops are involved).

Right Ive told my router to ignore certain devices and route traffic around it, and I know it is because I’m getting my full bandwidth, but amazon wont work as in the main amazon.com, turn the VPN off and amazon.com works, how is this the case if my bandwidth is the full non VPN speed? whats going on here and how do I fix it, thank you !!


Running an anonymus Samba Share with a USB 64GB Thumb Drive.

Normally the router sits around 56% memory usage

If I copy a file from my notebook to the thumb drive, memory usage jumps up and stays high.

Does this happen for anyone else? Is it normal? Should I be worried?

A reboot will bring it back down to the 56% mark again.

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It may be due to file caching by Samba:

If memory is required by other processes, the cache would be freed up automatically by the system.

I do not work for and I am not directly associated with GL.iNet


Yes…This is normal…And not just for GL.iNet routers. It does this for other routers as well (different brands). Linux handles memory differently. It will recoup the memory when needed. You won’t come up short on memory unless you load a LOT of Plugins. It will be fine. If it really bothers you you can simply reboot the router and it will show as normal memory usage again (But it’s not necessary to do that).


New android glinet apk 1.4.0, file sharing issue there is fixed.

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I would recommend running Open Media Vault or TrueNAS on a separate device rather than rely on the router to host a hard drive.

I found Wireguard Server unstable under 4.1.0. Connecting, disconnecting, reconnecting, … seemed to bring the server down. The webgui showed the server as running but it wasn’t responding. Stopping and starting it again (without a reboot) got it working again, but with the problem repeating.

I didn’t investigate further as I reverted to the stable v3 stable release which is working fine.

Hello folks. So I tried the latest firmware release for the Flint router, version 4.1.0 beta 1. I will start with the bad ;). Connected to a fast Wireguard server using the Flint client, my upload speeds were bad, very bad, I’m talking 15 to 20 Mbps. Now before you ask, I’m connected to a fiber line with 1500Mbps down and 1000Mbps up.

Now the good. I do like the new interface. I did also notice way better download speeds using this beta firmware. With version 3.214 I’m getting 400 Mbps on the download side of things using Oakla Speedtest. Using 4.1.0 beta1 I’m getting between 550Mbps and 600Mbps, however like I said previously, the uploads are horrendous but I understand this is the reason it is still in beta :).

Looking forward to the final product however for now, I had to rebase back to the stable release.

What kernel is planned to ship with 4xxx final?

In closing, keep up the good work and thanks to all the dev’s for your hard work.