Flint firmware 4.1.0 release5 is out

Update plugins maybe?
Have you restarted the router and still get the same result?
Did you retain settings and packages when you upgraded?

This is a Beta so there are going to be some issues. I can’t reproduce the problem on mine so It might be the install or a missing package.

No plugin updates avail.
Restarted router a few times, same result.
I retained the settings during the update.
Can I ask what plugins you have installed for Wireguard on your setup?

It is more than possible that I have done something wrong. Loving the beta compared to the old one.

I just have standard GL.iNet plugins but I have added a some stuff in LuCI such as SQM, Netdata, collectd. LuCI does say that a

It might be the retained settings did not transfer correctly.

If possible I would do a fresh install of the Firmware 4.1.0 release5 do not retain settings and set everything back up manually. Once that is done you can make a config file in LuCI of everything and use that between upgrades

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sure. it works from Luci, this is the way i made is working but it would be nice to be able to do it from the custom/default webgui. Luci is not for everybody…

Hi, WireGuard is now working again.

Reverted the beta firmware and did a clean install without transferring any settings. Worked straight away after a reboot.

Could I ask if it’s possible, in AdGuard home, to view the clients in query view rather than just the one local router address??

Thanks for all the help.

Can you try this method GL-MV1000 with AdGuard all clients show as localhost - #31 by morcheba


You also need to REORDER the Rule to the top or appropriate order in chain by dragging it.

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Thanks, that has done the trick. All devices now showing rather than the one local interface.

Don’t find a place for feature request.

A second wired port for wan/multiwan would be nice. (have a docis and vdsl line).

I think i can do it over luci and mwan3 but over the gl-inet interface would be nice.

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At the top… [List of current feature requests 2022]
Multiple people have mentioned that and gotten no response…But go ahead and put in a request there.


Is it possible to add the option of IPoE with VLAN id (802.1q option) along with PPPoE for WAN interface? i know it can be done via LUCI but it will be nice to have in the default webgui as many ISPs in UK are using IPoE lately and basic DHCP will not establish internet connection without the possibility of adding VLAN Id…

@alzhao btw, when 4.1.0 will be officially released as stable?

I have a question to the community regarding the GL AXT 1800 4.1.0 release. I am currently running the 4.0.3 with the latest AdguardHome release. This works without any trouble. I fowarded WAN port 53 to the internal AdguardHome 3053 port, so DNS requests are answered in my network by tAdguardHome. When I upgrade to the latest firmware version 4.1.0 AdguardHome stops working for me. Port forwarding is the same. Has something changed with firmware version 4.1.0?

should not change anything.

Do you mean adguard home is not working or the dns forward is not working?

I had a few issues when upgrading to 4.1.0 and keeping my current settings. A clean install without saving any configs seemed to do the trick for me.
Not sure if that is possible in your situation?

“Failed to update repository list, please check your network and try again.”
Everything is fine with the internet! Problems with repositories again?

I have had the same problem the past 48hours, worked previosly.

!!!DON’T DO!!! Will update If my vpn is off and/or allow non-vpn traffic.
!!!Do not do !!!
Latest Repository broke my LAN DNS resolving some how, funny enough my phone was on the guest network and worked fine. Anything connected to the LAN will not resolve DNS. I can ping but can’t ping www.google.com or google.com. Trying to figure out what happened.

Are you using a VPN? Does it only us IPv4?

It seems the repository config really wants to use IPv6.

Fixed it the the VPN Policy route mode was set to auto detected and I switched it to client,

Libstdcpp6 is there now

This is great news! Would… If…
“Failed to update repository list, please check your network and try again.”

I had a problem I posted early and then rectified.

Are you using a VPN that only uses Ipv4?