GL-A1300 Beta Testing Discussions

Installed. Fixed memory leak issue. Not fixed dns resolution with vpn policies, the first time I have to stop and start vpn policies to have dns resolution.

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I just tested this again between flint and the A1300 with beta3 it seems it isn’t working.

click to expand

This time I used this in my switch:

on the flint I see with success:

and I tried in the A1300 and I see:

and the bridge configuration on my modem:

I think the firmware is older for DSA? on my upstream modem with openwrt 22.03 RC6 I don’t see a switch tab anymore but on the firmware for A1300 I do see a switch tab does it mean I have to use the older way?

I tried it opkg update okay when ipv6 enabled, accessing internet by modem.

Could you provide more info, like command output and internet access way.

I don’t know if it’s routing issue or what, the GL-iNET repositories are ok but the OpenWRT repositories can’t be reached to any, it get stuck there forever.

Pls use following command, I tried it okay.

uci add network switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].device='switch0'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].vlan='102'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].ports='5t 0t'
uci set network.wan.device='eth1.102'

Not sure if ipq40xx support DSA, A1300 need to setup both switch_wlan and eth1.x option.
And I checked GL-AP1300 snapshot firmware(ipq4018+qca8075), it does have switch configuration page.

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4.0 and VPN policy Is this the problem?

You can try openwrt mirror site:
China site:

sed -i '' /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf
sed -i '' /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf

Austria site:

sed -i '' /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf

thanks it works now via the switch indeed :smiley:

Yes. Same issue. Thanks

All works as expected and dns can be resolved.
What could be the possible reason?

Dns is rightly displaied. To work dns resolution I have to stop and start vpn policies…After a router restart or if I switch between vpn profiles…

Can you describe in detail? I haven’t reproduced here.

Vpn policies active. Exception (no vpn) for domain list.
Every time I start vpn or I change between vpn profile I have to stop and restart vpn policies to have correct resolution of names.

when I reset the router to current settings, and I fill in my mullvad credentials and after this configure something like nextdns.

then when I enable vpn, it doesn’t work and a restart is needed.

now im not sure if the order is correct, it could also be that I first started the vpn and then applied the nextdns.

I think this is what antifascista tries to say.

I seem to have the same issues with changing from repeater to wan sometimes this can also start happening but I think this is a different issue.

Could you try replicating it?

I also have domain policies active.

Yes. This is the issue…

Having a prblem with VLANs on GL-A1300 beta 4.
When a 2nd VLAN is added to Switch (eth0), we stop recieving packets on eth1.

Out of the box we have eth1 (WAN) and eth0 LAN.
VLANs are disabled on eth0.
If I enable VLAN on eth0, 1st VLAN is fine, but when I add a 2nd VLAN, I stop recieving packets on eth1. If I remove the VLAN, I recieve the frame from the other end.

My setup:
WAN is via WWAN.
Network->Switch VLAN enabled, VLAN 16 tagged to CPU, untagged to ports.

Interface LAN uses br-lan includes only eth0.16,
Interface LAN31 uses eth1 device.

Cisco router added on to eth1. OSPF enabled betwee GL-A1300 and CISCO router.

All works great.
If I add VLAN 17 to the Network->Switch config, Stop recieving packets on eth1.

Zip contains
network for VLAN 17 defined (eth1 stops working).
network for no VLAN 17 (just VLAN 16), all working

Session form CISCO on connected to eth1. Cannot ping when VLAN 17 added, but can ping when VLAN 17 is not there.

Any thoughts?

vlan (1.9 KB)

network vlan (703 Bytes)
Please see if the attachment works

Hi Hansome,

This did not make a difference.
I still could not ping on eth1 with VLAN 17 created. Once I deleted it, I could ping again.


Hi Hansome,

Further problems.
After removing VLAN17, I set a port forward off to another subnet via the router connected to eth1 (learnt through routing protocol). The forward was for a game, and points to the IP of my laptop on the sethernet subnet. and I have this forward, and an equivalent to the GL-A1300 LAN network (laptop connects here wirelessly).

The game works with the Wifi forward set, and the laptop on wifi, it does not connect using the wired forward, and the laptop on a subnet vrouted via eth1.

I have replaced the GL-A1300 with my GL-AXT1800, in which everything works well.

I will redeply the GL-A1300 on a test LAN, as ther are things that need to be investigated - but this needs to done “in the lab” so to say.

I’ll flatten the GL-A1300 and set it up in a lab vlan and try to recreate.

Have to say though, in the basic Repeater Mode to another Wifi SSID bridged with 3 ports of ethernet and no VLANs, the GL-A1300 seems to work pretty well for its price.


Here we go the Slate Plus new firmware v.4.0.0 release 1:

Download here: