GL-A1300 Beta Testing Discussions

型号是tigo S300 120g


  1. ls /dev
  2. mount
  3. blkid


请查看日志,我大致看了下 是没有识别的 (18.8 KB)

你有购买这个硬盘的链接吗? 或者其他的硬盘测试有没有问题呢?


TOSHIBA 2.5inch HDD 500g
也不行 (19.3 KB)

Using the GL-iNet plug-ins screen, entering procps into the search box, then installing then populates the search box with the installed package’s name. This is unexpected.

This has always happened on the Flint too as far as I remember. I assumed it’s so that you can easily check if you installed the correct package, and quickly uninstall it if it’s not🤷‍♂️

1.u盘可以识别吗?如果可以 排除usb口问题
2. 可以检查一下的你的硬盘分区 是gpt 还是 mbr, 如果你的分区是 mbr 大概率是识别不了的


目前os版本 4.0.0 beta2


如果没有 输入以下命令查看usb的上电情况: 1为上电 0为关闭
cat /sys/class/gpio/usb_power/value

如果你允许的话 我i们这边帮你换一台机器 这台机器得麻烦你寄回来 方便研发分析 感谢你的反馈

BusyBox v1.33.2 (2022-02-16 20:29:10 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

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OpenWrt 21.02.2, r16495-bf0c965af0

root@GL-A1300:~# cat /sys/class/gpio/usb_power/value

Today I have the last day at my former job. My colleagues know I love Forza Horizon to relax in the evening, so they gave me a ‘Xbox X Controller Forza Horizon Edition’ as last present… Normally I’m not into gaming, but since I have a Laptop, a Xbox X in Standby, a new controller and a Slate Plus with me, I have to test.

Laptop (5GHz WLAN) Slate Plus (20m Cat 7 LAN) [some kind of Telekom Router] 250Mbit VDSL (Internet) 600Mbit Fiber (7m Cat 7 LAN) Fritz!Box 7590 (20m Cat 5e LAN) Fritz!Box 7490 (1,5m Cat 7 LAN) Xbox X

Wireguard between Slate Plus and a Server right behind the Fritz!Box 7590

Who plays Forza Horizon 5 knows any lag is very disturbing. 300-450km/h with the Lamborghini Centenario in the Hot Wheels Area is fun, as long there is no delay…
What should I say: It is fun to play secure in the VPN.


Hey guys, new beta version is released, and this is most stable one so far.

Important bugfix:
Fix shortcut-fe bug casued memory leak.
Fix openvpn server cannot create username with spaces.
Disable guest wifi in ap mode.
Fix keep packages sysupgrade failure.
Fix nand driver wrong number of bitfip counter.
Install thermal by default, fix no sensors found error.
Fix Drop-in Gateway Mode cased crash when high traffic load.



After installing beta 4, when Internet connection IPv6 is enabled, the “opkg update” command will always fail or just stall there.

When IPv6 is turned off, it promptly completes the package update command without issue.

Installed. Fixed memory leak issue. Not fixed dns resolution with vpn policies, the first time I have to stop and start vpn policies to have dns resolution.

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I just tested this again between flint and the A1300 with beta3 it seems it isn’t working.

click to expand

This time I used this in my switch:

on the flint I see with success:

and I tried in the A1300 and I see:

and the bridge configuration on my modem:

I think the firmware is older for DSA? on my upstream modem with openwrt 22.03 RC6 I don’t see a switch tab anymore but on the firmware for A1300 I do see a switch tab does it mean I have to use the older way?

I tried it opkg update okay when ipv6 enabled, accessing internet by modem.

Could you provide more info, like command output and internet access way.

I don’t know if it’s routing issue or what, the GL-iNET repositories are ok but the OpenWRT repositories can’t be reached to any, it get stuck there forever.

Pls use following command, I tried it okay.

uci add network switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].device='switch0'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].vlan='102'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].ports='5t 0t'
uci set network.wan.device='eth1.102'

Not sure if ipq40xx support DSA, A1300 need to setup both switch_wlan and eth1.x option.
And I checked GL-AP1300 snapshot firmware(ipq4018+qca8075), it does have switch configuration page.

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4.0 and VPN policy Is this the problem?