Check after the modem disappears from gl ui?
Yes, it looks like the module is powered off
It is estimated that the AT command has no response
going to update firmware to 4.2 beta1
edit: bricked twice trying to go to 4.2, flashed back to 4.1.2 and taking a break until the next workable 4.2 build
mt3000 4.2 beta 2 : still need to modify file for modem to ‘auto setup’, but modem stays alive after 2 hours, which is improvement from 4.1
Did you ever get this working reliably? I also have the same setup and am having the same problems. I can get it to work using Protocol 3G port ttyUSB3 and service LTE in manual setup but its very unreliable. Stays connected but internet doesn’t work right most of the time.
Possible to get step by step instructions on this? I am having the same problem but do not know the steps to take to upgrade module firmware. I found my was somewhat different than your screenshot too.
Check if your isp controls hotspot type connection, research about changing TTL if you haven’t done so
Pls do:
- Upgrade router firmware to latest
- Post the modem status page which display the modem model.
Upgraded to latest firmware.
What do you mean by Modem Status Page? Is it this you want?
Modem Name EG25GGBR07A08M2G
On the previous firmware I was able to edit -/lib/netifd/proto/ and get everything working. Unfortunately this newest firmware is completely different /lib/netifd/proto/ and I am not sure what to edit to get it working. the few things I have tried have not worked.
This is what I did to get it working with previous firmware. Just posting the section I edited. Look for the ----------------> pointing to the line I changed.
#External modem module
name_file=$(cat /proc/gl-hw-info/usb-port | grep ",")
if [ -z "$name_file" ]; then
name_file=$(cat /proc/gl-hw-info/usb-port)
name_file=$(cat /proc/gl-hw-info/usb-port | sed 's/,/ /g')
for iter in $name_file; do
name=$(gl_modem -B $iter AT ATI |grep Revision)
if [ -n "$name" ];then
name=$(gl_modem -B $iter AT ATI |grep Revision |awk '{print $2}')
support_raw=`echo ${name}| grep -E "EG25|EC25|EC20|EP06|EM060K|EM160R|RM520N"`
if [ -z "$support_raw" ]; then
echo "N" > /sys/class/net/$ifname/qmi/raw_ip
--------------> echo “N” > /sys/class/net/$ifname/qmi/raw_ip
echo "Device only supports raw-ip mode but is missing this required driver attribute: /sys/class/net/$ifname/qmi/raw_ip"
uqmi -s -d "$device" --sync > /dev/null 2>&1
[ -n "$modes" ] && uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-network-modes "$modes" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Starting network $interface"
- /lib/netifd/proto/ 224/474 47%
Hi jddebug:
If modified to echo “Y” > /sys/class/net/$ifname/qmi/raw_ip, Whether it works properly?
Please note I did update my quectel modem firmware with glinet help, if your modem hasn’t update for a few years, maybe you need to update it
Yes, when I made that modification on the previous firmware it fixed everything and I was able to connect. I can not find correct change to fix the newest firmware so I can’t connect.
I’d like to try that. Did they send you instructions or did they do it for you? Mine is the EG25-G.
Fired up my mt3000 that has 4.4.5 days ago, yeap external modem eg-25g can’t establish connection, going back to 4.2.3
Check earlier in the post, it’s a process of checking your modem serial and giving to them so that they can ‘make’ the firmware for you
I got this:
I will check it. It may take some time.