Spitz AX GL-X3000 - No longer boots

Me too, Spitx AX Router will not reboot either on 3 seconds nor the 10 second reset or unplugging socket all day now (whole Sunday 2 Feb 2025)

@radm @VAnqBob Can you contact our customer service via email and we'd want to return and check.

Already contacted. Waiting for a reply. Just for information about a week before, the router stopped working all together but a simple reboot made the router work again. Not sure if it matters. I have never had to reboot the router because it stopped working.


Same issue here.

Saturday the router started to rebook during the day.
Sunday the router stop working.

I have email them.

We might wait a while for a response due to Chinese New Year.

Add me to the list, GL-X3000 has worked fine for a year. I attempted and upgrade to the latest firmware and it become unresponsive. Debrick boot mode works and tries to install several different versions but it remains un responsive. I was able to install generic openwrt snapshot from OpenWrt Firmware Selector
This boots and route correctly.
I can return to boot mode but all the GLI firmwares hang.

My GLI uboot is U-Boot 2022.07-rc3 (Mar 09 2023 - 16:20:34 +0800)

I have the same problem.
After a bit over a year, I updated mine to the last version and the next time I unplugged it only power LED.
I tried uboot with the last version that worked but no change.
I hope it is not a hardware issue.

It worked perfectly fine and not after their latest "stable" release on January 6, 2025. This shouldn't be a hardware issue if it bricks right after firmware upgrade. I hope they didn't purposely killed this router but their slow response here in this thread is even more frustrating, although I faced this issue just today.

Seeing that many of therse "bricked" routers have already been returned, I think it would be appropriate for GL to post and give us an update i.e. what the problem appears to be.


@bruce @alzhao

Might one of you take a look and might post some short statement what people need to do, if the device is bricked after the update?

Thanks! :seal:

Same problem here. After 4.7.1 update device failed. Uboot not possible, no ping. :frowning:
Placed a support request via support form.
Hope it does not takes too long.
If have UART adapter but no idea how to use it.

Hello everyone,

If you meet this issue on the X3000 or XE3000, please contact our support team via email support@gl-inet.com, please try to check or test the device with us.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @bruce I see you've pulled the 4.7 firmware so hopefully you've identified the issue :pray:

I had the same exact issue described by OP. After installing 4.7 firmware my issue is resolved.


I contacted support@glinet.biz and explained that my device was a brick. They had me try a different power supply, but still nothing.

I did have to send them proof of purchase. I had purchased from the GL-iNet Store on Amazon so getting the receipt was easy.

They emailed me a return label, and as soon as I provided a shipping receipt, they shipped the replacement unit. Whole process took about 10 or 12 days. Could have been less had I not procrastinated on getting the old unit back to them.

New unit is up and running.

All-in-all a good experience.

Never was told exactly what the problem was.

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I encountered the same issue after the router update on Saturday. The router no longer boots up. I’ve had this router for about 10 months and purchased it from Amazon. I reached out to them via chat, and they offered me a return. I ordered a new router for the next-day delivery. The new router functions perfectly without the latest firmware. It’s significantly faster to contact Amazon than Gl-Inet directly.

We are working hard for this and are looking for the root cause.

We have temporary testing version firmware through email channels, small-scale distribution tests are carried out for devices encountered issue, to observe whether there is any improvement, if yes will release a newer firmware asap for beta test.

If you bought it from Amazon and troublesome to test, you can contact Amazon customer service to return and exchange directly.

If you are willing to try it, you can contact the technical team via email support@gl-inet.com. Thanks in advance.

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Add me to the list of people whose Spitz has now stopped booting.

I had this issue a few weeks ago but a reboot brought it back.

This time, I simply initiated a reboot from the web console due to changes being made by my ISP to my connection. The Spitz now no longer boots, same issue as others above.

This issue needs to be TOP priority for GL.iNet. This is unacceptable, pure and simple.

Add me to the list as well. Tried going the Amazon route but customer service said my return window has closed. Emailed customer support to try the new firmware, but I’m not happy at this point. This device costs entirely too much to randomly stop working like this.

Truly sorry.

Please contact our technical team support@gl-inet.com or customer services cs@gl-inet.com.

Lets colleagues give you a proper solution.