You can achieve the same ‘fix’ without having to touch the dnmasq or adguard configs, just go into Luci and add a port forwarding rule that forwards all tcp & udp traffic from ‘lan’ to ‘this device’ on port 53 to ‘lan’ port 3053. This will bypass dnsmasq instead of having it forward the request. Arguably the router should probably add this rule automatically when you turn on adguard
that sound like an awesome solution
can you explain a bit more ?
in luci is it in the menu firewall
and then the tab port forwards
do you have screenshots for this setup as a working example ?
My understanding is that LAN-to-LAN port forwarding will not work because the traffic does not go through the firewall. Can users confirm that it is working?
I do not work for and I am not directly associated with GL.iNet
You can port forward when the destination is the firewall/router itself. It works fine for me otherwise I wouldn’t have suggested it.
luci should describe the match rule as ‘Incoming IPV4 From “lan” to “this device”, port 53’ and the action as ‘Forward to “lan” port 3053’. Basically it’s saying “anything received from lan to router-lan-ip:53 rewrite to go to router-lan-ip:3053”
Network :: Firewall :: Port Forwards
Protocol: TCP & UDP
Source zone: lan
External port: 53
Destination zone: lan
Internal IP address: any
Internal port: 3053
Wonderful, This is just what I was looking for. Thank you very much @qdolan !
Finally. this is all i have to say. FINALLLYYYYY!!!
The port forwarding works well, however it breaks vpn policies based on “Target Domain or IP”.
If you use that port forwarding AND vpn policies based on domain/IP, the policies doesn’t work after a while (or a reboot).
Seems that a perfect solution doesn’t exist… Too bad, using different DNS for clients inside Adguard Home is just too useful in some cases.
Try this method that disables DNS server n dnsmasq and makes AdGuardHome the native DNS server on port 53:
Maybe it works with VPN policies.
I do not work for and I do not have formal association with GL.iNet
No, cuz dnsmasq uses ipset under the hood (domain name routing based on vpn policy), so the dnsmasq bypass solution breaks the policy
Only the DNS server function of dnsmasq would be disabled and the rest of the functions would be running, not bypassed. It should work like a separate DNS server at a different IP address.
portforward bypasses dnsmasq, the other solution disables dnsmasq.
if the dns query schema does not include dnsmasq, then the vpn policies will not work
In any case, both solutions presented break the vpn policies (name based)
Thanks, that actually was the first method I tried, but it also breaks VPN policies.
Well, it looks like another person has tried unsuccessfully before also, using an RPi AdGuardHome server … that’s too bad
Well, in the end I decided to use 2 routers to achieve my needs. On a Slate Plus I am running the Wireguard client with VPN policies, and a Slate AX connectet to it trough repeater is running Adguard Home with port forwarding. This way I can finally see all clients requests and I can set different DNS for clients inside Adguard Home (extremely useful for Prime videos e.g.)
I also have separate AdGuardHome, with 1 primary server running in Docker on a Synology NAS and 1 secondary/backup server running on a LAN-only GL-MV1000 Brume (no routing, so no port forwarding required).
Wouldn’t just installing the most current version of AGH on GL.Inet routers and using the instructions on be an easier solution?
mkdir /opt/
mkdir /opt/AdGuardHome
cd /opt/AdGuardHome
curl -s -S -L | sh -s -- -v
Change dnsmasq to port 54 after installing and set AGH to port 53 during the setup wizard or copy/paste your config into /opt/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.yaml and http://:3000 should show everything normally.
You don’t the AGH icon and stats page in the GL.Inet GUI this way, but you do get the latest version of AGH on port 53.
Thank you, worked for me!!!
Only downside to this workaround is that it removes the ability to resolve local dns hostnames as registered with the router’s DHCP/dnsmasq setup.
For example I have a local ATA device with hostname ‘ata’. I can no longer ping it via the hostname, I have to use the IP address now.
Be aware of this before implementing the workaround firewall port forward rule.